Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Christmas THANK YOU List for 2011

Dear Jesus,.

Let me take this time not to ask or wish anything from You but to say THANK YOU for the countless blessings that You have showered and You keep on showering upon us.

Yes, I still have that long list of wishes and dreams that are carefully kept... just so in case. But the opportunities and the experiences that you carefully chose to be on the road that I am traipsing on have taught me that "dreams and wishes mean work". So, I am setting aside that list and I am making a different one instead, one that brings all Your glory back to You, by reminding You of how generous and loving You are.

In a world that is too much in need of Your grace, I won't mind if the stockings will be left empty or there will be no gifts to unfold on Christmas morning because I know that with Your continued guidance, we can always get by. :)


1. THANK YOU for my family
     -Yes, we are not the perfect family, the ones which are considered as the "Hallmark" types. In fact, ours is a family of loud, eccentric, moody, and volatile people who are most of the time acting on spur-of-the-moment emotions. But what I can always count on is that I have these people who knows me inside out but loves me anyway. So, I'm trying my best to love them back, BIG TIME.

    -Forgive the too possessive "my" but I couldn't find of a more apt word to use to suggest of my total attachment with these crazy but adorable set of people. These are the people who remind me that sometimes, family is not a set of people you are born into. Because of them, I have a big and rowdy extended family.

3. THANK YOU for a set of girl friends
     -.....who understands my fears and doubts about nothing else in particular. Who knows that I haven't had a lot of "firsts" yet but who doesn't stare at me as if I'm a mutant. Because of them, growing up and growing old doesn't seem to be a scary idea.

4. THANK YOU for giving me the strength and willpower to stick to my beliefs and morale whenever I am asked to make a choice
5. THANK YOU for the opportunity to heal and eventually move on

6. THANK YOU for the chances to make a difference

7. THANK YOU for the fortitude to bear the pain of leaving home (I'm 23 years old but there are moments when I curl up and cry out for my mother)

8. THANK YOU for the people who bear with my absent-mindedness and shortcomings

9. THANK YOU for allowing me to grow at my own pace

10. THANK YOU for making me patient enough to wait

But above all Jesus, THANK YOU for allowing me to love and be loved in return.


----Au :)