Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fear of Tunnels No More….

Empty hallways, silent corridors, and dark tunnels always give me the creeps. Blame my overactive imagination, but I swear that it is a surreal experience to walk in those places and hear just the reverberation of your own footsteps. Plus, I couldn’t get it. Why do tunnels have to be cold, like the moment you step on it, the air temperature seems to instantly drop by several degrees? Isn’t it enough that they have to be so dark? Sure, I understand the science behind it but you couldn’t use that reason to my imagination. It wouldn’t just simply accept that.

But today is especially different. I was struck with the newly-felt love for dark tunnels. I was struck with the fact that the moment you stepped in on the tunnel’s shadows with the light behind you, I may have not seen your face but I recognized your form. Your movements may be fuzzy due to my defective vision but I confidently recognized the faint rhythm of your footsteps which was learned from almost a year of careful but discreet study. And in that brief second of the brushing of the air that our movements have caused when we walked past each other, you may have barely took a glance of me but it was like asking me again that one brief question if how I was from almost a year ago.

In that brief instance, I forgot my fears of dark tunnels and the echo of my footsteps which was melding with yours didn’t sound at all creepy to me. And surprisingly, the air wasn’t several degrees cooler----it offered a warm, and fuzzy stirring---the kind of warm and fuzzy that caused me to hum happily in broad daylight while doing one of the most mundane tasks of buying snacks..

Today, I momentarily learned to love the usually eerie tunnel because you were in it, because in a very brief instance, I shared it solely with you. :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oh my omurice!

I and the next door girl (Naks! Ahahaha!), Ahne, had been going gaga over the k-drama rooftop Prince for several weeks and we felt that our addictive episode wouldn’t be complete if we couldn’t try and sample the featured dish in the series which is the omurice. Before I get overly excited and go on rambling and babbling about how this dish had become one of the vital factors in the love affair of the lead characters, let me tell you about it in the most logical way that my kilig state can muster at the moment (*wink*).

Okay, aahhhh omuuurrricee (you really have to say it that way to get the feel of the rooftop prince mania!) is the dish that an ordinary modern-day girl fed to 4 (insert “cute” in here.) males who time-travelled from Korea’s Joseon era of about 300 years ago and who accidentally landed by fate on the rooftop of the said girl. Now, imagine waking up one morning to discover four unassuming boys who are oozing with cuteness inside your house. It might sound creepy but I’d disregard the emotion any time if one of the boys who lands in our house is Park yoochun!

I’ll go back to the omurice topic before my fan girl mode gets the best of this post. With the little help from the ever so reliable you tube, we were able to come up with our own version of omurice. And since we declared ourselves to be in-charge of the meal that day, M’ Ann didn’t have a choice but to subject herself to the possibility of a yet again, uneatable (No raising of eyebrows for the choice of word. I like to use it, bakit ba? Ahahaha!) meal.

So here’s our Omurice ala Aurita y Ahnita:

(Drum roll please!)

And since this post is especially dedicated to ahhh omurice, here are some proofs of my temporary madness over the rooftop prince:
Isn’t this simply just pure love? Ahahahaha! J

Poor me! How I wish it isn’t just the omurice that theyre after for!

So in the future if destiny wills it that the same fate will happen to me, those four boys wouldn’t surely starve when they accidentally land on our rooftop. Only that they will be landing on a tin rooftop, the real kind-----as in top of the roof. Ahahaha!

If your statement above is your way of saying you love me, then Park  Yoochun, I love you too!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rainbows. Emotions. Guitar Strings.

We had a private joke in our college publication way back (Okay. Waaaaaaaaaay back!). I was the unofficial and self-proclaimed Miss Intro and Ending. No one can take that title from me (I'm so apt for that title, hello?)---I may have happily passed on the responsibility to our SILAK apos but you have to take me down real hard first for me to give away the crown. And I'll tell you, I'll give you a good fight if you have to resort to that.

Anyways, I'll find time to post the countless intros and endings that I've written. For now, here's a prologue and epilogue for Conrie's art folio project with his students which he requested me to make----another addition to my long list (I can see some raising of eyebrows. Ahahaha!) of lifetime achievements (Ahahahahahaha! See? I'm really making this whole epilogue-prologue thing a serious business.)


You can’t help it.

Despite all your efforts to break away from all the stirrings inside your soul and embrace normalcy, there’s this little tingling inside you that calls you back from the edge of what is safe and common to the sphere of what others may label as “the zone of madness”.
But here’s a little secret. Everyone that you know, no matter how drab or dull or normal they may appear, actually suffers from this little sense of madness. We’re just all trying to do the same thing, we mask it. We mask it with our everyday routine and with talks that make a lot of sense to the point of being dull and uninteresting. 
Let’s give this monotony a break. This would serve as a warning. The moment you open the pages, you will be led to face some of the greatest stirrings of madness that you try so hard to break away from every day.

This madness will lead you to once more believe in…

                Bahagharis. Can you exactly remember the last time you believed with all your heart that there’s a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow that you were willing to fight that belief no matter what, until one day, some scientific truths made you face the fact that a rainbow is but just a ray of colors scattered from white light? But the truth is, you didn’t  really stop believing in your theory of the pot of gold. You just pretended to be all so grown up and mutter, “That is kid’s talk!”. When actually, you just don’t believe in rainbows or the pots of gold at the end of it-----you actually live on it.

This madness will lead you to remember that you actually still possess these….

                Emotions. In a desensitizing world in which you are pushed not to feel anything, sometimes you wonder if there will come a time when your heart can still remember how to feel and beat like it belongs to a human. Don’t worry,  you haven’t lost any of these emotions. They are just masked. So let’s peel the mask layer by layer and feel those strange emotions again----to the point of being so happy that you cry, of feeling all the excruciating pains and smile that bright smile, of loving too  much and appear uncaring, and feeling that gnawing hate while performing that understanding nod. Nobody is telling you to understand your emotions, just feel them though they may be strange and mixed up. Feel and embrace all of these emotions until you feel your heart beating that erratic beat again, until you remember that you are not a cyborg,  you’re actually human.

This madness will lead you to remember strumming the keys of your....

                Guitar strings. It doesn’t matter if they’re broken or loose. It doesn’t matter if the thick strings give you an even lower tone than expected or the thin ones gives you shrill and high notes. Just strum like it’s all there is to do in the world. After all, the most beautiful tones and music ever heard are not those with clean notes----they are those which are haunting and with episodes of imperfections.


Truly, you can’t help it.

We all need to slide back into normalcy. We need to wake-up, eat, do our routine-based activities, eat, sleep, and then wake-up again. In short, we need to comply the basics in order to live.
However, beyond all of these, let us listen to and embrace the musings of our inner madness from time to time. Let’s not fear this because it’s part of what makes us humans. In reality, this madness is the pure energy that drives us to dream, fuels our passion, unleash our inner light to inspire others. This madness is the voice that calls us to love deeply and to transcend any limits in order to achieve greater things.
So our secret is out. We all suffer from this madness. Let’s embrace it.
Continue believing in the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Take a slide in one if you must. Because we know for a fact that it’s not a myth, nor do we just believe in them for the sake of believing---- we actually make and live on our own bahaghari.

Dissect your emotions, piece by piece and fragment by fragment. Lie down and in that complete silence,  listen to the beatings of your heart and let it overpower the loud mechanical sound of your brain in full gear. Just listen. Even if you don’t understand most of its beatings, just listen. For one of the things that define you as a human is your emotion.

Create the most haunting and soulful music that you can in your entire lifetime. Create a piece that could move others to tears, to a whimsical smile, to action, to believe…to love again. Create just exactly this kind of music, do not settle for anything less. You have the power to mend and tighten any loose and broken guitar strings.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Make way people! Make way! Ahahahahahahaha.......M' May Aaaaaaannnnnnnnnn!!!!!! :)

I couldn't think of anything to tell you for your birthday this year since I know that I would just keep on repeating myself about how lucky and blessed we are to know you, plus, I don't want this greeting to be sentimental since it doesn't seem appropriate to our present day "miss-sunny-sunshine"  outlook (Ahahaha! I'm really including myself.).

So, instead of a lengthy 2-page sappy/dramatic birthday letter that I was planning to make (Swear! Ahaha!), here's an e-birthday postcard instead.

Tadaaaaaaahhhhhh! :)