Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bye-bye Seoul!

So much for my installments of our Korean adventure.

We loved Seoul so much that our flight home was kind of bittersweet---but we had to leave and pacified ourselves with the thought that we’ll surely be back.

Kamsahamnida Korea!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Deeply Rooted, in Here where the snowflakes in the middle of summer are actually the delicate narra blossoms that drift and somersault in midair and eventually settle to burst its vivid orangey color to the otherwise, barren earth.

(This is after teaching (or tricking?) my one year old niece of the make-believe that we used to do (and still do) when we were kids that falling narra blossoms are actually snow flakes. Yellow snow flakes in the middle of summer? Sure.)

                                                              *  *  *

Home…is where the grasses grow greener, more than they’re allowed or expected to be.

Seoul Street Scenes

I always had a thing for roads---may it be superhighways or beaten ones.

One of my old entries in my journal which I labeled as a “crazy” and a “way out there dream” is “to be able to have a road trip in Korea” . For who wouldn’t be smitten by their roads and highways in the countless Korean dramas and movies shown on 'pinoy television?

But what I know now is to NEVER ever label your dreams as “way out there”.

I am so giddy to share these photos of the Korean road system. So here it is!!!!!!

Another entry in my bucket list: crossed out.