Thursday, February 21, 2013

Temporary Demotion to Being a Mere Mortal

Yesterday, I decided to give up my rank as a “diwata” by cutting my magical curly tresses in order to go back to being a mere mortal.

Self-uplifting-on-the-verge-of-vanity-leading-to-narcissism comments aside, let me plainly say it----I cut off my almost a year-length curly hair into a short bob! To those who know me for a loooong period of time, this is not big news since they know me as somebody who sports short to medium length hair since like, forever. So, my year length curly hair was actually a record---it was my first time to allow my hair to grow long without itching to having it cut four to six months after having it curled.

To be honest, I did enjoy having that curly hair---it was my first time to actually experience flipping my hair like most ladies with long hairs do. It was also fun to experiment with different styles everyday---from braids, to bun, to ponytails, to just letting it loose. But, long hair isn’t just me.  I guess I’m so low maintenance after all. So, I had it cut to a short bob and though there was a bit of anxiety attack when I felt the scissors snipping the strands one by one, but when I saw my bob haircut, I was more than elated to see my old self back! That’s a drama queen statement, I know! Ahahaha!

On second thought, there’s actually no need to give up my “diwata” post . I may have hair short as an officer now, but I still have my invisible wings on. *wink*

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