Monday, June 24, 2013

Wearing My Scarfs Like the French Do!

There’s nothing like a Frenchwoman when it comes to wearing scarfs---there’s always this breath of au naturale when it comes to how they twist and turn their scarfs around their necks.

I couldn’t exactly trace if when or how did I start to like scarfs soooo much that if somebody would impose that I should be wearing one every day, I wouldn’t complain a bit.

How can one not love scarfs? They are perfect instant light blankets for long trips, sun protector for people like me who believe that umbrellas were just invented for the rainy days, and they can instantly spice up a boring outfit on days when you are too lazy to play doll up. Sometimes, I think that being bundled up in a soft scarf can be a good substitute to an actual hug---though I’m still partial on this, okay?

Honestly, I only have four scarfs and all of them are so overly used that I wouldn’t be surprised to hear them call out for surrender. This reminds me to invest a little bit more in them. So, my future daughter might be astounded that aside from good genes (Do I hear any complaints? Ahahahaha!), all that she might possibly inherit from me are my good old books and my collection of scarfs.

Here’s one certified scarf addict!

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