Friday, March 21, 2014

Art in Paradise

This entry is sooooo last year! And yes, I’ve been attacked by the laziness bug yet again in updating this blog. However, I’ve come to realize that I have less than a week left in taking all my time to laze around.

By this time next week, I’ll start being quite busy for a while in settling down back in the country and in adapting yet again to the system and to the way of living. Isn’t it quite weird to re-adapt in your own country? Ahahaha.

So, I promised myself to spend the remaining time in doing all the backlogs in my entries in this blog or else, they will all just fall into eternal oblivion, into my eternal katamaran pala.

Last July, right after Ahne and I took our TOIEC exam in Chiang Mai (Which we passed with high scores! Wohoooo! Ang yabang. But promise, our scores would have caused all our elementary and high school, sige isama na pati university English teachers to have a pa-pizza party! Ahahaha!), we decided to look for Art in Paradise, a newly established 3D gallery in Chiang Mai, and the largest in Asia as of the moment.

Foreigners are charged for 500 baht as entrance fee in the gallery but since we had a working permit, we were charged with a very affordable price which is the same as what the locals are being charged of.

We were amazed with the size of the gallery---it is even way bigger than the Mind Museum in Seoul! With its size and the number of their artworks inside, they provided electrical outlets in all corners of the gallery for those who wish to charge their phones or cameras. 

And, since these two girls had already a training in Seoul *wink, ahahaha!*, we breezed through almost all the 3D artworks without a sweat *another wink*.

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