Thursday, January 5, 2012

This Will Be My Year! :)

Okay, I've stopped making new year's resolutions for what seems like forever.

Remember those elementary and high school days during the first class for the new year? The moment your teacher asks you to get a piece of intermediate paper, a switch on your holiday-freezed brain seems to click, involuntarily making you mentally rambling about your new year's resolution, making sure it will be written in a different style just in case this teacher was also your teacher last year and the year before that. It all boils down to your little secret which is, you've been making and using this resolutions in your informal theme (and formal theme for that matter) for as long as you can remember.

And imagine writing those resolutions for 8 times in your 8 subjects for the day. New year's resolution in PE class and Algebra, hello?

Let's all admit it. New year's resolutions are WAY TOO BORING! Imagine including in your list not to eat junk foods for the whole year or studying more everyday. That's not a fun way to live life for a rangy kid!

So, the moment when a very few of my brain cells whose sole work was to think of new year's resolutions every year decided to give up on me, I didn't have the heart to call them back to life. So I made a plead to myself that I have seen the last resolution list in my entire life.

So, here's to another year of fulfilling my bucket list instead. And God help me, I hope that this bucket will be empty once the water dragon is out to rest.

By God's grace, I am claiming that this year (and the rest there is) will be my year!

1. Save extra money for Fiesta mass sponsorship on April

2. Save specific amount of money every month to have a "fatter" bank account

3. Submit for Palanca by March

4. Have my passport stamped with Germany visa for vacation on May

5. Have a jump shot in the Great Wall

6. Have a family member take a vacation here by December

7. Give pamahaw and buy  bouquet for Flores :)

8. Fall in love, this time with no inhibitions....(So help me God! )

9. Check WEST post availability

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