Wednesday, February 8, 2012

In Case that You Never Keep Tabs of These Things, I'm Reminding You of Them Now! :)

You seem to have always been one of the strongest ones among us that sometimes, while you're busy facilitating things for others, it seems that you never need anything or anyone to lean on. 

But we know better. 

So on this day, here are some of the things that I would remind you about how AWESOME a person you are! 

  • You are always being open-minded when listening about our life-dilemmas,you are tolerant of our craziness,and very patient on us for being drama queens as friends.

  • You are a silent but a very reliable post to lean on. 

  • You're like the (not so) big sister that I never got.

  • You may not be aware of this but I've learned some of the biggest lessons of humility from you.

  • You seem to be so strong amidst everything that life throws on you. How do you do that?

And since it's your birthday, here is my list of wishes for you:

  • ...that GOD will shower you with so much blessing that you will never know what to do with them.

  • ...that you'll find that one great love that we're (secretly) hoping for and I pray that God will give you the grace to recognize it when it comes. And as an afterthought, I hope that person will fall in love with you so much, he'll never see anything else straightly. hahahaha! But then, again, that's scary so ignore that afterthought.

  • ...that no matter where life will lead us to go, that you may always find your way back home---back to your family and to your old friends (That's us of course! You have no choice on that!).

We're getting older, but years definitely don't count unless you are a cheese.

HAPPY BDAY CHAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

---a big hug and a great love from Thailand, Au :)

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