Sunday, August 26, 2012

Royal Flora 2011

This post is actually half a year late.

Blame it to my occasional lazy-daisy moments which when strikes, could actually get the best of me. I know, I know---I’ve made a pact to update this blog regularly but mere mortals like me have to make a living, or else.

Last December of 2011 (See when I told you that this post is soooooooo last year?), we were able to visit Ratchapruek or most commonly known as the Royal Flora. This is a big humungous garden which actually opens officially to the public during the Thai winter of every year as it is the time when the temperate flowers are showcasing their full bloom. Since this is located in the center of the buzzling Chiang Mai, it is very accessible to everyone and the entrance fee which is just about 200-250 baht is very much worth of the experience.

And when I said earlier that this place is humungous, I wasn’t bluffing or exaggerating! One needs to take a mini bus which will take you to different locations inside the garden. But if you have enough time allotted for the place, a walk (Which is a long one, I swear!) is definitely highly recommended. I was even like a four-year old kid who was walking “hoppily” from one station to another since I couldn’t contain my glee and excitement!

Since we only had a limited time, we really weren’t able to visit all the corners of the place. Plus, Royal Flora at night is a must see for the tourists since they offer variety shows with people in actual costumes all over the place. It’s like their version of the Disneyland parade. And, the lights all over the place are just spectacular----and that’s something that we missed, BIG TIME! For this year’s winter, going back to the Royal Flora (with a longer time allotted) is definitely in my must-do list!

I’ll definitely be back, jing-jing (Thai word for “true”)!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

This seat is already reserved.

Maybe I’ve been watching too much Korean movies and dramas. 

But see that empty seat? In God’s perfect time, somebody’s going to sit exactly on that space and we’ll be taking a lot of bus rides and boat rides and plane rides together, really a lot. 

For the meantime, I’ll be enjoying my trips and (mis)adventures alone. ;)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Streets, Sand, Water, and People----and How an Artistic Soul can Capture All These…

We haven’t seen each other ever since like, forever. My last memories of hanging around with her before she went to Greece *insert the soundtrack for any Greek mythology movie here! Ahahaha!* was when I was in my early high school years and imagine how long ago that was! But if there is one word that can perfectly describe her, it’s artistic.

She always had an eye for color, and symmetry, and pattern. I’ve forgotten that about her until recently, for whatever reasons, I was able to glimpse her artistic soul again through the photos which she took. Sure, my painfully  poor memory can remember how good she was in drawing and painting and sketching----she even drew some of my projects and assignments when I was a just a gusgusin elementary kid.

Call me biased because she’s my cousin but at the moment, I just love her photographic works that I am inspired to have written this post to give justice to her awesome works. I too am in love with photography that with my good’ol point and click digicam, there are moments when I could get lucky and get some wonderful shots. But next to her works, my wonderful photos become okay photos.

So before I rattle too much and sound like a dopey-eyed fan girl slash younger cousin, here are some of her works. I could put all of them there since they are all too awesome but the space allowed for a single blog post may not be enough. So here are some of my favorites instead: 

This is a reminder for me to point my old, ratty camera into something beautiful the next time I go somewhere and not just point it at my face and make some goofy expressions all the time! Oh, if only my good’ol camera can complain! Plus, it’s like an additional reminder that you don’t need to be recognized in order to fuel your passion and create something beautiful. It’s like being creative runs in the family, naks! Ahahaha!

P.S. Ne Aiza, keep on unleashing that artistic fire! And I think that one day, you need to put up your own studio because your works are just so absobloodylutely moving!