Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Those Brief Coffee Breaks

I am just a regular coffee drinker, not exactly coffee dependent. I really don’t have insane episodes like some, whose cravings for a cup of coffee is really a matter of life of death.

I occasionally enjoy my cup of coffee whether it may be coupled with silence, deep or nonsensical talks, or hearty laughter. I don’t know what is it about having a warm cup of coffee, clasped in between your palms, that makes the world a little bit slower, giving you a momentary sense of calm.

It’s amusing how this post started about coffee and is about to end being a bit philosophical. I think I enjoy my occasional, brief coffee breaks not because my blood is screaming out for caffeine, but because during those moments, I have an excuse to slow down. During those moments, I have all the right to just be momentarily an observer, to be still, and to just breathe.

With all the conflicting research results regarding the effects of coffee on human health, the non-health-buff-slash-trying-hard-philosopher me, thinks that one of the best moments in life is actually spent sipping a cup of warm, creamy coffee.

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