Sunday, October 20, 2013

Nick Vujicic in Chiang Mai!

We were greatly blessed to have been given the chance to meet Nick Vujicic in Chiang Mai. I mean, what are the chances of meeting and hearing the story of a living inspiration? I remember seeing him first in YouTube about 5 years ago and his story has a way of getting into you and never leaving you at all.

There were about 10,000 people who were there and sure, Nick was just like a dot from where we were seated, but his story and his positive presence had altogether created this large amount of empowering energy which encompassed the large number of crowd.

You cannot leave after hearing Nick’s story without feeling that great desire in you to live your life with a purpose as well. I think this is how God works through His people---He speaks to us not always exactly in supernatural and magnanimous ways, but through each other.

I went home that night, physically dead tired, but with a happy and full heart knowing that my God loves me, broken pieces and all.

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