Saturday, August 16, 2014

Slidin’ and Rollin’----MEAMOH Trip :)

Fine. This is an extremely late post. But instead of having this lost in the eternal abyss of my extreme forgetfulness, I’ve decided to post about our MAEMOH trip, about two years ago. See when I say I’m leading towards dementia at such an early age? Oh, snap!

As a science teacher and enthusiast, I was really so giddy with excitement over this particular trip. You see, MAEMOH is a lignite-fired powerplant which supplies electricity to the whole northern regions of Thailand, including a big portion of provinces in nearby regions.

My respect for the Thai people’s responsible use of resources increased several notches higher upon our visit to MAEMOH. Being a lignite-fired powerplant, one would expect to see an extremely dry and barren area with facilities and equipments spewing unforgivable dark smoke into northern Thailand’s blue skies. But I was utterly proved wrong. Whatever parts of the mountains that were excavated for lignite were actually restored and developed---transforming the vast space into verdant green mountainsides, perfect for those lazy Sunday outings with family and friends. But, if one is looking for excitement, the grassboarding activity along the rolling hillsides is actually super fun. Forgive me for my lack of a better adjective but it was derinitely Super Fun!

A modern museum was also built inside the powerplant, showcasing fossils excavated in Lampang. There’s even a simulation room which provides information and experience of how lignite and fossils were created. Being a science geek, this was definitely way too cool for me!

Going back to grassboarding---ahahaha, scatterbrain issues in here---I was hesitant at first to try it but when I saw the lush green hillsides, nobody had to push me to get a board and before I realized it, we were sliding and running back to the top and rolling and giggling like unhinibited 8-year old kids. I think it was one of those moments when I totally let my guard down and just enjoyed, nothing else.

After the trip, I had rashes and sunburns and scratches from rolling on the grasses but I was too damn happy to care!

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