Saturday, January 10, 2015

MacAu in Bucari

During our courtship (this requires a different post), I remember Mac mentioning about his vision of us going places together. And now, we're actually doing it! How cool is that, huh?

Here’s to more adventures together---to more road trips and bus rides that we wish would never stop, to thinking about what to eat for the next meal and then end up with a lukewarm batchoy for dinner because there are no other places where we can buy food (Yet, we ate it so heartily without any complaints. We were happy.), here’s to packing and unpacking things needed for a trip, to the spur-of-the-moment plans of riding a pumpboat to Guimaras just to eat cashew nuts and then return to the city right after, to more walks under the rain while holding hands.

Sometimes, it still amazes me how we both can manage to have a relationship which is definitely far from perfect but is just simply beautiful in its lack of complications and drama. What we have is just simply a hard-core relationship based on trust and respect and love. And because of this, I am looking forward to explore this beautiful life with this man. I am looking forward to a lifetime of adventures with you, Mac. :)

Here are the photos of our first ever trip as a couple in the chilly Bucari last December. The whole year of 2014 was such a great blessing for both of us and it was only apt to spend the remaining days of that year creating more beautiful memories.

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