Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mt. Napulak (Open Trail and Forest Hike)

It was probably the longest 6 hours of my life.

While we were traipsing the open trail under the scorching heat of the sun, I kept on silently reprimanding myself for asking everyone to do the Napulak hike and camp.

The heat was unbearable. My knees weren't conditioned for long walks, much more, in the mountains. The towering height of the mountain from a distance wasn't hope-inducing, add to that the fact that it wasn't even yet the mountain that we had to scale---Napulak is located at the back of that mountain which was in front of us. It was a daunting task, it silently dawned on us.

A big number of people who conquered Napulak were either enthusiasts or pros. We were neither. Heck, I even catch my breath just from climbing a few flights of stairs.

The hike from 8:00 am-2:00 pm to the last water source before arriving at another trail was really a test of endurance and willpower. We had to keep pushing ourselves. Every step became heavier as time ticked. There were even moments when we asked each other, "Remind me, why are we doing this again?" Our guide, probably almost to the point of being fed up, answered at one point, "The most difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations."

I smirked when I heard that cliche. I have always been partial with cliches.

Little did I know, little did we know, in a few while, we'd agree with his statement.

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