Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Heart Thrives

All throughout history, leaving and being left, has been laced with fancy poetry and romantic narratives--- of ladies waiting on the shore for years and of men sailing away through the storm, of old men reading in solitude in front of warm fireplaces while partly remembering distant pasts that still bring little jolts of pain in their weary hearts, and of women dreamily thinking of the what-could-have-beens had they not ran away from their first loves.

But the truth is this: there is no poetry or romantic narratives in leaving and in being left. There is no glory, no dreamy flairs. The truth is, you learn to breathe with that heaviness in your chest until your heart becomes conditioned, until it gains strength from the excercise. And, time will come when it wouldn't be too difficult to breathe, you wouldnt even remember how it felt in the first place.

Another truth is, new people will come, not necessarily to replace the ones who left, but they will definitely bring a new edge, a new angle to life. And, when that time comes, you know that whether or not they'll choose to stay or to leave, whether or not life decides for them to grow roots or to grow wings, you will always manage to go through all of it.

The whole truth is, that heart, that heart is made from fine and strong stock. With all of life's changes and inconsistencies, that heart always be more than just fine. It will thrive.