Thursday, May 19, 2016

Birthday Climb

For quite a long time, I thought that no place could still surprise me. I was wrong.

This is one of the most beautiful places that I've seen, so far. Hands down, case closed.

I was dead-scared while doing the buwis-buhay acrobatics just to reach the top of the rock that I had to shout at one point to feign courage, "Indi ko bala pag-istoryaha.", when Mac asked me several times while I was trying not to loose my footing and grip, "Kaya mo, siguraduha ha."

I will never do it again even if I'm asked to, or advice anyone to climb that rock without the necessary gears and protection, that's for sure. Heck, I've never even experienced to rock climb in my entire life, until that moment. But as an adage goes, "You have to risk a little to get a glimpse of a piece of beauty."

Thank you for the wonderful people who shared the pains of the 8-hour hike and the beauty of the summit of Mt. Napulak with me.

Thank you Jaime Charl Esquilarga, our guide, for being so patient with us all throughout. You will surely have more mountains to scale!

Thank you, dear God, for making this earth and this life, beyond any understanding, truly beautiful.

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