Thursday, May 19, 2016

When Love Befriends Life

...just because I woke up today and realized that I write a lot about random things, but I seldom write to you. 
I am always amazed at how, seemingly random and incompatible things and events converge perfectly at a point and at a perfect time.

So, to you, Mac:

I know you secretly cringed the first time I told you that there's no such thing as destiny, that it was an absurd idea. I also know that you silently protested when you asked me if what I think about love, and I replied that it's always a decision---that for it to last, you have to make the same decision again and again every single day.

These are just some of the signs that we have so many differences, to begin with.

But the universe must have a different plan for us---a plan that transcended even the widest gap that life made sure to come in between us over the years.

Yes, life made sure, even insisted, that I cruelly glare at you when you asked for a piece of paper in our third-grade class. Life insisted that I won't have a single memory of you while you always remembered the girl who always brought an umbrella around, the same girl who selfishly refused to give you a single piece of paper. It insisted that we'd be unaware of each others existence for 16 years after that incident so that there was no slight possibility of us ever getting reconnected in whatever way. And, when life got a minimal mistake of having you found me, it immediately came in the scene and insisted that I'd still be the girl who was in her ivory tower, nursing her heart and her pride which were badly shaken, refusing for anybody,much more a stranger, to come near the fortress which she built as high and as thick as possible. Life insisted that for two years after that, we'd both live life to the fullest, love the people around us as honestly as possible and as much as we could, and grab every opportunity to grow so that we wouldn't even give a minute to think about the existence of each other. In short, life made sure that we lived miles away from each other, had no common friends, and that we lived our lives to be really out of sync when placed side by side, so that it wouldn't be possible to think even for a second that this... this would work.

But then, destiny or fate or whatever you choose to call it, took over life's manipulation. Call it whatever you want to call it, but I prefer it to be love.Love befriended life to give us even a small chance of having our lives converge at a point. And, despite the fact that life shaped us over the years such that we are two of the most mismatched and incompatible pieces in the whole puzzle, we fitted anyway, comfortable in our differences and in our slightly offbeat syncing.

Why? You may ask.

And, my belief is that, because despite life's hesitations, love made sure, even insisted, that we'd be given a chance to meet at a point when we were already the best versions of ourselves. In that case, we already know that our differences and both of our history, our pasts and what we envision the future to be, should in fact be really honored and celebrated.

And, with this, life may still do what it did if she had to do our story again, but I am confident that at this very moment, life is smiling at the both of us.

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