Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mt. Napulak (Cogon Trail)

This was my most favorite part of the hike.

It took us almost 3 hours to reach the peak using this trail because we had to be extra careful---one miscalculation in our steps would definitely result to the worst possible scenario.

The almost 75° slope of this part of Napulak, with nothing but the cruel blades of the cogon grasses to grasp so as to prevent ourselves from loosing our footing, was definitely picturesque but was also dangerous for we had to walk on a trail with a width of only about 2 handspans.On one side, or at times, both sides, were actually cliffs, disguised as rolling plains, due to the lushness of the grasses.

There were moments when we had to shout just to release the tension and the nerves whenever we look down and realize the height that we've reached and the picture of what might happen if we do not focus on putting our weight on the right place and firmly grasping the cogon blades.

It was actually amusing because at a distance, the grasses looked like mosses creeping on the sides of the mountain, when actually, they were actually taller than us. If  it wasn't a buwis-buhay hike, I would have giddily sang the Sound of Music  soundtrack because the scene was just screaming for it. Paki-play na lang ng, "The hills are alive with the sound of music...." on the background while scrolling through the photos. ;)

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