Friday, March 14, 2014

School Year-end Mushiness Overload....;)

This video turned my (Almost jaded, ahahaha!) heart into just pure slush.

When it was sent to me this morning by a student named Namphung (Thai word for Honey. See? Her name suits her very well. Sweet.), good thing I was able to stop myself from sobbing like an 8-year old kid inside the faculty room. And to think that I seldom cry.

I love these kids, with their wrongly spelled words and all. Every time I think of how far they’ve grown in terms of their learning and thinking skills, including their English conversation skill (They can now form coherent sentences with conjunctions---and that’s a GREAT LEAP!) ever since they’ve been into our classes summer of 2012, my heart could only burst with pride. And one should see them in their science class! From being passive and shy learners, they have evolved into learners who constantly ask questions (A lot of questions!) and even share their own thoughts and ideas. They are the kind of learners who would become so giddy during the days when we would get to have science experiments. And lastly, they are the kind of learners who would find a way to get into your heart.

What I’m very happy of is that they are not sad just because they would be losing a teacher but they are sad because they are worried that they wouldn’t get to learn as much----that means that these kids have embraced the love of learning. I’m happy that what is in their mind is NOTAng galling-galing mo teacher. Paano kung aalis ka na?”. Rather, “Teacher, ang galing-galing ko na! Sana yung sunod na teacher namin maturu-an din kami nang mabuti.”

As a teacher, I can only beam with pride. :)

To pacify them, here’s what I told them: “Don’t worry kids. I’m just on the other side of the ocean.”

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