Friday, July 27, 2012

Warning: Cheese(y) Overload!

I grew up well-sheltered but that doesn’t mean that I grew up into a naïve person who doesn’t know that the world can be full of cruelty and ugly realities. It’s just that I see to it that I get to choose to walk on the sunny side, wear my brightest neon colors on days when the skies get so gloomy, or dance in the outpouring of rain.

Varying experiences may have humbled me down, but there are just days when I am reminded that humility is not just realizing your weaknesses but also remembering that there is a part of you that is just aWESome (Hahaha! This part is supposed to be a private joke which requires a separate lengthy write-up.)!

Just for today, my nanay sent me a suuupeeer cheesy mother-to-daughter text message which was supposed to send me cringing if I were a rangy 16-year old, but had made the 24-year old version of me at the moment all warmed up inside.
"Good luck sa oration! Si ma'am aura ang trainor, champion na kamo kay ang trainor best declaimer and orator!"
Thanks, nanay! I may not anymore need that kind of encouragement, and not to mention flattery, but it is deeply appreciated. I may not believe everything that you say and you may be more overly dramatic than I am on most days, but this is one of those days when I can almost believe that good things are always bound to happen. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012


To the girl who always goes out of her way to be part of other people’s lives….

To the girl who has so much joy in her that it radiates to others…

To the girl who has no single mean bone in her that she can always see the positive side of everything…

To the girl who loves so much, it inspires others to love as much as well…

To the girl whose kindness radiates in her smile…

To the girl who leaves everything that she touches a whole lot better than she found it…

To the girl who can be a perfect confidante…

To the girl who can be an amazing partner in crazy adventures, and misadventures…

To the girl who can be a laughing buddy, and a crying buddy as well…

HAPPy Birthday!!!

You are so much blessed because of your humility and genuine interest and love to others. Here’s one secret: you inspire me to be a more humble and joyful person!

I’m sorry, I missed your two birthdays in a row. I am certain that you had an awesome one!


you and your infectious laughter are terribly missed!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Warning: Being a poser can put your life at risk! *wink*

Who would ever believe that I was once a camera-shy girl who would strategically escape once I sense that a photo taking session is about to happen? Or, once cornered, would pose and smile awkwardly as if I’m having my NBI or passport photo taken.

I don’t know what got into me, probably I became too narcissistic which I hope I’m not because if that’s the case, I would have to press my emergency sanity button because this state of mind is totally unhealthy. No, I’ll have to reiterate that. It’s totally unhealthy. The case is, I just acquired a love for photos because  I’ve come to realize that a particular moment may not happen again but the good thing about it is that it can be captured.

So for the past few years, it has always been  a treat for me to take photos and of course, to have my picture taken. So, my signature poses recently are actually  the result of years (ahahaha!) of practice and perfecting in front of the mirror or on a digital camera. I know you do or did the same, so stop that smirk! Ahahahah! 

But just about two years ago, an experience taught me that being a poser could actually endanger one’s life. Here’s why:

You know what happened after this picture was taken? When I was about to walk away from the place where I was standing, a big wave came crashing over so fast that I didn’t have time to prepare. And when I say big wave, imagine an open sea on a windy day and the waves that these winds can create. In just a matter of seconds, I felt the pressure of that wave hit me. And a small-framed person that I am has definitely  no defense against it! I lost my footing on the slippery rocks, bumped my right knee on it, and felt the force of the receding waves pulling me away from my spot, and I couldn’t even swim! Had it not been for Sir Noel’s quick response, probably, my poor small body had been carried away  into the great  expanse of South China Sea, became so bloated after many days of floating around to the point of being unrecognizable! Or, I would have been the merienda of our cute little shark and piranha friends. Oh such morbid possibilities!

So good thing I just ended up with a terribly bruised knee and a swollen, dislocated foot. And you know what? I had to endure the partly amusing, partly embarrassing moments when students or parents in our school asked me if why I had bandages on my knee and foot. My reply that time was “I slipped” as opposed to the complete version which was “I slipped while having my picture taken.” Such disgrace! Ahahaha!

The scar on my right knee at the moment is a lifetime reminder to choose the places where I pose, just in case I decide to have my picture taken in risky places again. Who wants to end up dying and then when people would ask, “Why did she die?” and then the reply would be, “Oh, that’s because she was a poser.”? Oh snap!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

There’s no such thing as generation gap!

What happens when a 20-something (ahem!) big sister and a 14-year old dangling teener younger brother are together?
You could imagine an uncomfortable silence or an uneasy, awkward conversation due to a ten-year generation gap (I have to cringe at this, swear!). But that’s definitely a complete 180 degree turn in our case. Here’s why:

On the last night of my ‘pinas vacay last summer, when my luggage was still unpacked and my nanay was the one who was super anxious that I would be forgetting something, I chose to pretend that it was just any other ordinary nights at home (Sob here!) by having a jamming session with my younger brother. And when I say jamming, the typical one for us is two shrill voices which are awfully out of tune but are definitely belted out on the top of our lungs? Aren’t we just awesome? High five on this Jan! Ahahaha!

P.S Jan Leo, you might be crazy but I think I am crazier for being a bad influence on you sometimes. But on regular days, I think I can pass as a role model for an older sister? What do you think, huh?

Stop self-debating on your answer for this and remember where your loyalty should rest! Ahahaha!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fatty, Happy Birthday! :)

Fatty, I know it’s your birthday and I’m supposed to wish you all the best of everything there is but I couldn’t resist grilling you on your special day. Hey you only get to be 25 once in your life and I might as well grab this opportunity!

Remember when we were 16? We dreaded the idea of turning 20. Much more, we couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to be 25! Now were on “it”, or going to be “it”----“it” suggestively pointing that being 25 is just a subtle way of saying that we are a quarter of a century old! Imagine that?

But why should age really matter? It’s not actually that important unless you are a wine, or a cheese perhaps. When you are experiencing the best and the worst in life with your family and self-proclaimed family (us, who else? Ahahaha!) including a strong support group of old friends and new friends, then turning a quarter of a century old is not really as dreadful as most people think. Actually, for what it’s worth, it’s actually something to be celebrated about, BIG TIMe!

As a way of celebrating your birthday, I made a random 25-item list about you. This 25 things consist of things about you and my wishes for you. So here is it!

1. Except for Chal and Joan who were my classmates in elementary, you are actually the first person whom I made friends with among our classmates. Remember the science camp and how we forged our friendship by complaining quietly about the flow of the plan for our group presentation?

2. I was actually scared and intimidated of you way back in high school. But fast forward several years later, I realized why I shouldn’t have had.

3. You don’t have a big number of friends. But what you lack for quantity, you compensate with quality.

4. When I think of college and university life. You’re one of the top people who come into my mind.

5. Your sensitivity as a person is something to be admired. Only that, a very few trusted people can get a glimpse of it because it is often masked by your strong personality.

6. Once somebody wins your trust, you give it all the way.

7. Your loyalty to family and friends is incomparable.

8. You are a hoarder and a keeper of random things. And I guess that extends to  how you keep and value people.

9. Remember “crazy for you?”. (Next number!)

10. A very few people know this but because of your appreciation of various movies, you often see and view situations as a scene in one of those you’ve seen.

11. You’re also one of the OC people whom I know when it comes to household tasks.

12. You’re a realist and you are deeply grounded.

13. You might express it in your own way, sometimes in ways that other people may misinterpret but you actually care a lot. In fact, behind your woman of steel demeanor is a big softie. :)

And, the other half of this list Fatty are my wishes and prayers for you!

14. I always include in my prayers that you (and the others, including me as well) will always find people who wouldn’t make you feel like you are miles away from home.

15. I wish you to always find happiness and peace of mind all the time.

16. I wish you the best health always (Very important!).

17. May you reach the places which you have always dreamt of going into.

18. May you always bring a little piece of home with you.

19. I hope you always have laughter and clean fun in the company of good people while always remembering the specialness of old friends.

20. I wish you to accept the grace of being granted all the desires of your heart.

21. I wish you to find love…

22….and love

23……and love

24……..and love

25………..and did I mention LOVe?

HAPPy Birthday fatty!

i Seldom say this, but you are badly missed!