Thursday, July 26, 2012


To the girl who always goes out of her way to be part of other people’s lives….

To the girl who has so much joy in her that it radiates to others…

To the girl who has no single mean bone in her that she can always see the positive side of everything…

To the girl who loves so much, it inspires others to love as much as well…

To the girl whose kindness radiates in her smile…

To the girl who leaves everything that she touches a whole lot better than she found it…

To the girl who can be a perfect confidante…

To the girl who can be an amazing partner in crazy adventures, and misadventures…

To the girl who can be a laughing buddy, and a crying buddy as well…

HAPPy Birthday!!!

You are so much blessed because of your humility and genuine interest and love to others. Here’s one secret: you inspire me to be a more humble and joyful person!

I’m sorry, I missed your two birthdays in a row. I am certain that you had an awesome one!


you and your infectious laughter are terribly missed!

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