Friday, July 27, 2012

Warning: Cheese(y) Overload!

I grew up well-sheltered but that doesn’t mean that I grew up into a naïve person who doesn’t know that the world can be full of cruelty and ugly realities. It’s just that I see to it that I get to choose to walk on the sunny side, wear my brightest neon colors on days when the skies get so gloomy, or dance in the outpouring of rain.

Varying experiences may have humbled me down, but there are just days when I am reminded that humility is not just realizing your weaknesses but also remembering that there is a part of you that is just aWESome (Hahaha! This part is supposed to be a private joke which requires a separate lengthy write-up.)!

Just for today, my nanay sent me a suuupeeer cheesy mother-to-daughter text message which was supposed to send me cringing if I were a rangy 16-year old, but had made the 24-year old version of me at the moment all warmed up inside.
"Good luck sa oration! Si ma'am aura ang trainor, champion na kamo kay ang trainor best declaimer and orator!"
Thanks, nanay! I may not anymore need that kind of encouragement, and not to mention flattery, but it is deeply appreciated. I may not believe everything that you say and you may be more overly dramatic than I am on most days, but this is one of those days when I can almost believe that good things are always bound to happen. 

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