Saturday, July 14, 2012

There’s no such thing as generation gap!

What happens when a 20-something (ahem!) big sister and a 14-year old dangling teener younger brother are together?
You could imagine an uncomfortable silence or an uneasy, awkward conversation due to a ten-year generation gap (I have to cringe at this, swear!). But that’s definitely a complete 180 degree turn in our case. Here’s why:

On the last night of my ‘pinas vacay last summer, when my luggage was still unpacked and my nanay was the one who was super anxious that I would be forgetting something, I chose to pretend that it was just any other ordinary nights at home (Sob here!) by having a jamming session with my younger brother. And when I say jamming, the typical one for us is two shrill voices which are awfully out of tune but are definitely belted out on the top of our lungs? Aren’t we just awesome? High five on this Jan! Ahahaha!

P.S Jan Leo, you might be crazy but I think I am crazier for being a bad influence on you sometimes. But on regular days, I think I can pass as a role model for an older sister? What do you think, huh?

Stop self-debating on your answer for this and remember where your loyalty should rest! Ahahaha!

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