Saturday, July 21, 2012

Warning: Being a poser can put your life at risk! *wink*

Who would ever believe that I was once a camera-shy girl who would strategically escape once I sense that a photo taking session is about to happen? Or, once cornered, would pose and smile awkwardly as if I’m having my NBI or passport photo taken.

I don’t know what got into me, probably I became too narcissistic which I hope I’m not because if that’s the case, I would have to press my emergency sanity button because this state of mind is totally unhealthy. No, I’ll have to reiterate that. It’s totally unhealthy. The case is, I just acquired a love for photos because  I’ve come to realize that a particular moment may not happen again but the good thing about it is that it can be captured.

So for the past few years, it has always been  a treat for me to take photos and of course, to have my picture taken. So, my signature poses recently are actually  the result of years (ahahaha!) of practice and perfecting in front of the mirror or on a digital camera. I know you do or did the same, so stop that smirk! Ahahahah! 

But just about two years ago, an experience taught me that being a poser could actually endanger one’s life. Here’s why:

You know what happened after this picture was taken? When I was about to walk away from the place where I was standing, a big wave came crashing over so fast that I didn’t have time to prepare. And when I say big wave, imagine an open sea on a windy day and the waves that these winds can create. In just a matter of seconds, I felt the pressure of that wave hit me. And a small-framed person that I am has definitely  no defense against it! I lost my footing on the slippery rocks, bumped my right knee on it, and felt the force of the receding waves pulling me away from my spot, and I couldn’t even swim! Had it not been for Sir Noel’s quick response, probably, my poor small body had been carried away  into the great  expanse of South China Sea, became so bloated after many days of floating around to the point of being unrecognizable! Or, I would have been the merienda of our cute little shark and piranha friends. Oh such morbid possibilities!

So good thing I just ended up with a terribly bruised knee and a swollen, dislocated foot. And you know what? I had to endure the partly amusing, partly embarrassing moments when students or parents in our school asked me if why I had bandages on my knee and foot. My reply that time was “I slipped” as opposed to the complete version which was “I slipped while having my picture taken.” Such disgrace! Ahahaha!

The scar on my right knee at the moment is a lifetime reminder to choose the places where I pose, just in case I decide to have my picture taken in risky places again. Who wants to end up dying and then when people would ask, “Why did she die?” and then the reply would be, “Oh, that’s because she was a poser.”? Oh snap!

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