Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Ma’am Templora!

As a person goes through life, he meets along the way a handful of teachers---some will guide him, some will provide him with almost everything that he needs to know, some would just watch him as he learns the truths of the world all by himself, while others would attempt to break him and everything that he believes in. Out of these teachers and mentors, are some special ones who have it within them the capacity to reach out way beyond their learners thirst for knowledge into a realm where only a few can reach. And when they do, they leave an impact---transforming these learners not only into knowledgeable individuals, but individuals whose hearts and principles are just in their proper places. 

You are such a mentor ma’am!

Thank you for the countless lessons that you have imparted to all of us, who were given the wonderful opportunity to sit in your classes.

More than the strategies and classroom management rules by the textbook, you have imposed within us the one and only rule that encompasses all the others: never go to the classroom unprepared nor give the students less than what they deserve

 More than your mind-boggling ----not to mention, brain-bleeding lessons :)--- in biochem and organic chemistry classes, what would probably remain within all of us when all of those textbook and scientific facts will be taken away are your lessons in life, faith, and love.

Thank you for all the lessons which will remain within each one of us for life. You have taught all of us well!

Happy Birthday Ma’am!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Inday Ana!

‘day Ana, happy birthday!

I know that it’s nonsense to be celebrating or even remembering this day when you are stuck at a certain age or remembered as a distinct and unchanging figure (You like that, huh? Stuck in our minds and hearts as 35 forever---never growing old and never getting an additional wrinkle? Ahahaha!). However, I would like to remember and quietly celebrate this day, every year, for the rest of my life

On this day, my quiet prayer when I woke up was more of a “thank you” for the gift of acceptance and letting go. There was a brief flashback of the pain which the family felt about six years ago---how you left without any premonitions or how you were the first person whose sudden absence gave me such grief that it was almost like a physical pain. I remembered how I would literally press my chest with such force for the fear that if I would momentarily loosen the pressure, my heart would just break into innumerable pieces. But then, despite these memories, I chose to remember how you were exactly when you were still living. I know that upon remembrance of those good memories, the pang of sadness and loss would also wash over me, but these are welcomed emotions for these are proof that you had made such an impact in our lives. I just want to thank you (Which I wasn’t able to personally do when you were alive since it didn’t come into my mind that you wouldn’t be staying forever.) for being such a supportive cousin/big sister. I couldn’t imagine a point in my growing years when you weren’t there---you were such an active member of my cheering team. Among us cousins, you were our leader that when you left, even though I am not the eldest when it comes to age, it felt that a big part of that role was instantly put on my shoulders….and I wasn’t ready.

But when I look back, I am thankful that we were able to transcend the part in which your loss has somewhat left us incapacitated. Although the pain is still there (and it wouldn’t completely go away), but it’s no longer a raw pain. It’s more of a quiet pain that leaves tiny echoes in our hearts and it’s not altogether an ugly pain---it’s a beautiful pain which results from losing someone who has lived a beautiful life.

I strongly believe that the quiet message of my heart can reach the heavens. And if it does, then you will know that I forgive you. I forgive you for leaving us six years ago. I forgive you for not holding on for a little bit longer. I forgive you for not even giving us any sign that you’ll be leaving. I forgive you for the raw pain which you left us. I forgive you for being no longer a constant in our lives at the moment. I forgive you for not being able to be part any longer of the things that we do and we will do. I forgive you for leaving such a big, irreplaceable place in our lives. Most of all, I forgive you for just opting to let go.

So ‘day Ana, be at peace. You will always be remembered and in the many years to come, you will always be a part of whatever endeavors that I will have.

Happy Birthday day! You are greatly missed!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Jan! (Naks, ga-birthday ka man gali?)

You’re too young enough that you could even be one of the rowdy students in my class but the way you laugh at all my bad jokes and do the silliest things which I tell you to do (However much against your will and at the expense of your teenage cool, most of the time.) make you the coolest brother one could ever have. Ayeeeeee! Are you ashamed of this grilling, yet?

I know that sometimes----no, make that most of the time---- you get irritated when I could get to help others but I couldn’t even lend a hand at the simplest of your school requirements. I always answer your questions with more questions. Isn’t that irritating? I know, I know. That’s because sometimes, sisterly love should be tough. Okay? You’ll be learning along the way that there are just some things that you should do on your own. Call it my palusot, but you’ll agree with me eventually. Ahahaha!

Don’t rush to grow up----you have a lot of time for that. Enjoy every experience and opportunity that come your way at this stage of your life so that later on, you’ll have a lot of stories to tell. Follow your passion---drawing and art---and never for one second, take it for granted. Create more beautiful things and fall in love if you must (I’m a little bit hesitant about this. Okay?). Happy Birthday Negs!


The most awesome eldest sister you’ll ever have!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hey Self! I’ve got two words for you: MOVE, NOW!

Hey Aura,

Just in case your lazy butt is unaware of it, but you have 22 days left before your Korea sojourn. If your half-awake brain cells couldn’t get it still, I am telling you to be the school ma’am that you are and take hold of that red pen, NOW!

You have piling test papers to check, a term’s worth of lesson plans to make, and miles and miles of grades to compute. So unless you want to take all of those work with you while having your picture taken at the Gyeongbukgong palace, then better start your TO DO LIST now.

Xoxo ,

P.S. Sometimes, self love should be tough ---the reason for this reprimand!

And hey, this might be taken two years ago but your piling work at the moment is in every way, very much like this

Saturday, September 15, 2012

No Red Pen Days (NRPD) is officially launched!

This YouTube channel started out due to our momentary obsession with Wesley Chan of the Wong Fu Productions. But we found out that this would be a good way of documenting our activities may it be major ones or nothing really in particular. So, this blog will definitely be flooded with video posts time and time again.

For the meantime, here are the first two videos. Cheers to us!

Friday, September 14, 2012

This Definitely Gave Me Out!

When your high school adviser is actually an eight year old who is pretending to be an adult, your classroom bulletin board would look like this, somehow:

Happy Birthday Ma’am Luwela!

Remember all these?

Those were our happy, carefree days and were precious in themselves. But when I think of you now, this is the image that comes into my mind:

I’ve been a witness when you renewed your faith in God. I silently admired you when you fearlessly plunged into love even though there were many risks. You’re definitely one of the bravest women that I know----fighting tirelessly despite the tears when the battle involves people who matter. And because of your unwavering faith and trusting heart, you found your way into the love of your life (ayeeee!) and God has blessed your union with my adorable inaanak!

Happy Birthday ma’am Luwela!

I wish for you to stay and continue growing in love. May God provide you with so much love and strength so that you may keep on providing light and glow in your family. I know that your husband thinks that he couldn’t be more lucky enough when you came into his life (naks!). Plus, I am certain that baby John will grow up showered with so much love that he’ll think he’s too much blessed to have such a Super Mom. Family life suits you m’ Lu, and it’s making you glow even more!

I miss you BIG TIME!