Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Ma’am Luwela!

Remember all these?

Those were our happy, carefree days and were precious in themselves. But when I think of you now, this is the image that comes into my mind:

I’ve been a witness when you renewed your faith in God. I silently admired you when you fearlessly plunged into love even though there were many risks. You’re definitely one of the bravest women that I know----fighting tirelessly despite the tears when the battle involves people who matter. And because of your unwavering faith and trusting heart, you found your way into the love of your life (ayeeee!) and God has blessed your union with my adorable inaanak!

Happy Birthday ma’am Luwela!

I wish for you to stay and continue growing in love. May God provide you with so much love and strength so that you may keep on providing light and glow in your family. I know that your husband thinks that he couldn’t be more lucky enough when you came into his life (naks!). Plus, I am certain that baby John will grow up showered with so much love that he’ll think he’s too much blessed to have such a Super Mom. Family life suits you m’ Lu, and it’s making you glow even more!

I miss you BIG TIME!

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