Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Ma’am Templora!

As a person goes through life, he meets along the way a handful of teachers---some will guide him, some will provide him with almost everything that he needs to know, some would just watch him as he learns the truths of the world all by himself, while others would attempt to break him and everything that he believes in. Out of these teachers and mentors, are some special ones who have it within them the capacity to reach out way beyond their learners thirst for knowledge into a realm where only a few can reach. And when they do, they leave an impact---transforming these learners not only into knowledgeable individuals, but individuals whose hearts and principles are just in their proper places. 

You are such a mentor ma’am!

Thank you for the countless lessons that you have imparted to all of us, who were given the wonderful opportunity to sit in your classes.

More than the strategies and classroom management rules by the textbook, you have imposed within us the one and only rule that encompasses all the others: never go to the classroom unprepared nor give the students less than what they deserve

 More than your mind-boggling ----not to mention, brain-bleeding lessons :)--- in biochem and organic chemistry classes, what would probably remain within all of us when all of those textbook and scientific facts will be taken away are your lessons in life, faith, and love.

Thank you for all the lessons which will remain within each one of us for life. You have taught all of us well!

Happy Birthday Ma’am!

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