Sunday, April 22, 2012

Go Ahead! Live Your Life the "Mariz' Way"!

You may have doubts about your capacities, but one thing I admire about you is that you're free-spirited and that you have no doubts in speaking your mind. Yes, you might not believe me, but the world needs more free-spirited girls like us (Why do I keep on including myself? Cut it off, Au! Ahahaha!) YOU.

I may never understand the pains that you're going through nor will I even fathom the doubts that swirl around your mind, but one thing is definitely sure, you take pains in hiding them and go about and march around with enough pomp and blare and a whole lot of being on the wild side of life that makes the people around you think that you don't have fears, and doubts, and inhibitions, and questions like the rest of mere mortals like us do have. But I know better dear cousin. WE KNOW BETTER. Only the people who truly stop to examine your whole being, fragment by fragment (and still cares for you after all) and notice that flash-of-a-second sadness in the corners of your eyes which is often masked by your reverberating laughter and well-rehearsed haughtiness, can actually give you the reigns of your own life despite the possible odds.

We cannot direct your life for you, nor will I ever try to dictate you what to do. You are too proud and too too free-spirited for that. All I can ever do is be right there when you're bruised and all black or most probably go back with a triumphant smile after living the life which you decided to live. And you were not built for an ordinary and dull life that is based on norms and routine.

I know you'll get hurt in the process (And you'll hurt us many times over too.) But with your street-smarty pants and matter-of-factly views about life, all I can say is that live your life as you want it to be lived. You'll eventually learn, although most probably the hard way. But who hasn't? Be wild. Live your life as an exclamation. Live it as a proclamation that life's pains cannot shackle you. Live like you're giving justice to your most-loved, overused red lipstick---not a dull red, but that scarlet red one! ;)

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