Friday, April 13, 2012

Half Full?

No. It's definitely half empty!!!!!!!

Forgive my pessimism, but for any balikbayan (ehem! ehem!), a luggage which is half-full is definitely half-empty!!! Hahaha. See how astute my ideas are? tsk...tsk....

With the never-ending  pasalubong checklist which turns me into a paranoid OC, even my bursting positiveness (naks!) couldn't lead me to believe that my luggage is half-full.

But for today, when I neatly arranged the contents for the nth time, I was struck with the fact that I'll be in my beloved Pinas in less than two weeks.

So I'll stop being pathetic for awhile by debating myself over and over whether my luggage is half-empty or half-full. I'll just enjoy this warm, fuzzy feeling that I'll soon be home.


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