Sunday, April 15, 2012

Random Message that is "Aura's Crazy Dance Step" Worthy! :)

I'm getting a bit cranky lately (PMSing again, what else? hahaha!). But I'm blaming it to the SUUUUUPPEEERR HOT Thailand summer. It's not humid hot like in Pinas, but it's dry hot that you can feel the heat penetrating up to your bones, making you think that you are being roasted alive. How can one think sanely with this kind of temperature?

But anyways, before putting the blame of my mood swings to something else aside from the SUUUUPER HOT summer (Redundant na ako!), just this morning when I was super cranky and a WHOLE LOT in my i-love-solitude drama that made me look like a sick puppy (hahaha!), I opened an unexpected message from somebody I don't even know and here's her message which warmed my heart:

I just hope I'm adding the right person. I've been reading all your writings and I've found them all interesting. Keep it up.
The moment I've read this, I again experienced the usual emotion that I'm feeling whenever I see my write-ups in print or when a random person compliments my writings (Not me ha? My writings lang talaga! hahaha!). Kinilig na naman ako to the point that I stopped myself from doing the crazy dance step which I'm doing whenever I feel that emotion. Imagine, just awhile ago I was like a sick puppy and then all of a sudden, I would perform my dance steps (Which I tell you, is really such a lame excuse to be called a dance!). What would my room mate just think about me?

But seriously, upon reading this message it made me ponder on the fact that I could never really guess just where the influence of my write-ups could end. Honestly, I cannot even call myself as a full-pledged writer without cringing inwardly. On ordinary days, I am Teacher Aura, trying to influence my impressionable teener students into becoming the person that they ought to be (Naks! One point for Teacher Au!). So, because of the demands of the teaching profession, I seldom could get the chance to write and ironically, when there are spare moments that I can use for writing, those are the times when this irritating writer's block syndrome kicks in. I may write for certain local papers or other blog sites from time to time but I believe, that doesn't qualify me as a full-pledged writer. I still have a looooooong way to go, as in a long way to go.

So moments like this are something that I always treasure and I make sure that even though I don't know these people, I really try to reach out to them and say even just a simple "thank you". It's a different thing when compliments are posted after my write-ups on different sites, those are special in themselves. But the idea of some random people, looking for you upon reading your article, and to think that I'm just an ordinary, private citizen. That's something that for me, is "kilig-worthy" and "Aura's crazy dance step worthy".

It's also a reminder for me to use the space provided for me whenever I get the chance to write and be published such that my words will not only embrace the every corners of that space but would also project optimism, positivity, and some random life lessons which could give an "aha!"  moment to readers.

So, to the people whom I don't even know but who get the chance to read some of my write-ups and somehow, can relate to the ideas and emotions that I write-----you just never know how much I'm appreciating it and how it humbles me to the level that I couldn't say and think of anything but just "wow!".

I'm so super THANKFUL to the eight members of this blog (Hahaha! See how I've told you I'm just a half-baked, assuming writer?), weeeee!!!! Actually, 7 lang ang official members/readers of this blog because if one takes a closer look, the other one is actually me. Hey, before I get some raising of eyebrows and whispers like: "Ano ba 'yan? Tangkilikin ang sariling atin?"....hahaha! Let me explain, okay? I accidentally clicked my own name upon seeing the tab "follow this blog" ( I can hear your chorus of "owwwwwws", so stop it! haha!). And since I'm not a techie wizard, I don't actually know how to remove it from the list anymore. So let it be. At least, 'pag hindi masyadong observant ang visitor sa blogsite, they would think "Wow! May eight members!". An eight is always better than a seven, okay? But actually I couldn't even brag to the fullest that this blog has an official 7 members because if I come to think of it, four of them are long-time-old-friends-turned-to-family, one is a dear friend who was once a co-teacher, and two of them are my manangs and my original mentors when it comes to writing. So if I really think about it, kami-kami lang din naman! Just not to bruise my pride (hahaha!) I would not think that maybe they were just forced to be a member when I was like SUPER palipad-hangin to them during the first few weeks of having this blog. If my nanay just knows how to manipulate and open blogsites, I'm sure I would just one day open this and see that she's one of the members. See how supportive my family and close-knit of friends are?

Seriously, I always, always thank God for this opportunity and the blessing that He gave me to be able to write. Even though there I times when I consciously block the desire and the need to write because it can be tasking and emotionally-stressful, but I always go back to it AGAIN and AGAIN.

P.S. to the people who might randomly read this blog, paki-click ng "become a member" tab. Nasa right side siya ng screen, but you still have to scroll down a little. (Sana makalusot ang pa-cool na effect! Malay ko ba sa susunod hindi na 8 na lang ang members, maging 9 na! Hahahaha! *wink*)

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