Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 1: Dear Pablo

I’m starting a 22-day brigade of letters. That means this idea, if completely materialized, will be culminating on Christmas day. I love receiving letters, the real kind. So why not be the one to make them? Let’s take this activity one day at a time!

Dear Pablo (Or whatever your international name is.),

I’ve heard that you’ve finally taken your landfall in my city. Not dilly-dallying, are we?  But it seems that you’re fond of drama and theatrical build-up because the last time I checked, you’re still holding up the unleashing of your wrath. Are you having cold-feet or probably, you are just like the others who were so tactical that they waited for the rest of us to lower our guards before attacking?

In case you are still clueless, I just want you to know that we are not a group of people who are easily defeated. You have to put up all the strength that you have before you can crumble us into hopeless surrender. True, you may leave some of our people back home probably homeless, hungry, shivering, and scared tonight but you can never dampen the most essential part of these people’s being. Haven’t you heard that the Ilonggo spirit is waterproof? Frank may have shaken us about three years ago, but he wasn’t able to fully destroy our fortress of faith and resilience. So, what makes you think that we will bat an eyelash in the midst of your wrath?

Signal No. 3. Phew! Bragging, aren’t you? This will definitely  be a long night for the rest of Ilonggos back home, but with everyone taking a vigil armed with prayers and  faith, what are your chances of fully succeeding in your plans of destruction?

Anticipating your surrender,

P.S. You don’t fight fairly. It’s almost Christmas. But then again, when have you and the rest, ever fought on even grounds?

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