Wednesday, December 26, 2012

SEOULFUL Trip, Day 3: 1st Destination, Trick Eye Museum

Ahne and I were quite proud to have been able to locate this museum with no map and with quite confusing instructions from the blogsites that we’ve opened and from strangers that we’ve asked on the streets.

A big bulk of our photos in the entire duration of the trip was from this place. But here’s a tip: Never enter the museum with an empty stomach or without gulping a bottleful of water or you’ll end up a dehydrated bag like I did. The photo taking in the whole place was too much fun but it was also energy draining (If you’re most likely the emotera poser. Ahem, ahem!).

We discovered something in this museum. Ahne and I had a considerably serious talk that if ever we decided that teaching isn’t really meant for us, then at least we have discovered that modeling can be our fallback. Cringe all you want but I’m the only one who has the editing rights to this blog! So that statement will definitely be posted! Ahahahaha!

So, before getting into this place, like I said, gulp a whole bottle of water and prepare a whole bag full of poses! 

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