Tuesday, December 4, 2012

SEOULFUL Trip, Day 2: 5th Destination, Han(gang) River

I don’t have much to say about this place. It’s not because it didn’t appeal to me but because words would definitely fail me if I even start to attempt describing it.

I was smitten by this place in the various k-movies and dramas that I watched. Being on it, and just letting my senses get drowned with the sights, and the chill, and the distinct smell of the autumn air, I was head over heels in love.

Before I went to Korea, I equated the Han river with the idea of love itself. And breathing its crisp autumn air, I wasn’t wrong. An emotion of great love about everything in life---what has come and gone, and what is yet to come---surged in me upon stepping on its grounds. Oh di ba bigla akong naging philosophical? Sabi na nga ba may kakaiba talaga sa hangin ng Korea.  Ahahaha! But seriously, if it was just possible to hug a place, I would have hugged it to death.

Ahne and I chose the magic show cruise because it was the most convenient for us since we decided to eat our dinner in a different place. The ticket costs 13,000 won---that’s about 400 pesos----and it’s good for 40 minutes length of cruising the Han river.  

Of course we didn’t get to watch the magic show. We stayed on the upper deck for the whole time, and after our photo taking session, we just stayed silent for the whole duration of the trip, occasionally dropping in some comments about what interests us along the way. Now I understand why the idea of a cruise is so appealing to a lot of people---it puts you in one of those moods in which you get to slow down even the clicking of your brain and just feel, really feel. And during those rare moments, you would feel that anything is possible.

Cruise with me, baby. ;)

Look at my teleserye scenes in the Han river! Tadaaaaah!
uppermost left photo: My bicycle skill is so painfully rusty but  it would be nice to have a bicycle session along the river. Endless love soundtrack, pasok! Ahahaha.
uppermost right photo: Forgive me but this photo doesn’t qualify to the theme of this photo collage. I know, I know. Here’s my piece of advice: Don’t attempt to do this pose when there are a lot of onlookers, in the middle of a cruise and you couldn’t see a piece of land anywhere. This Is such a bad joke, such a bad joke. Tsk, tsk.
lower photo, left: What’s missing? Siyempre ang taga-tulak. For this photo, nagsariling sikap na muna ako. Ahahaha!
lower photo, right: Another “What’s missing?” question for this one. This time, you guess the answer.

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