Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 7: Dear Connecticut Angels

Dear Connecticut Angels,

I am sorry. I am terribly sorry for those last minutes of your lives spent with unimaginable terror and fear. I am so terribly sorry for no one was able to calm you or offer you a pair of warm arms when your own warmth slowly left your little bodies. I am so sorry that nobody was there to tell you that everything is gonna be okay, even though it won’t be.

My heart is bleeding for you for having spent your last moments here on earth witnessing man’s cruelty. I could only hope that it happened so fast that you didn’t feel the pain or didn’t have time to process everything that was happening as to have totally lost all your childhood innocence to the indescribable evil that has befallen that man.

Please forgive all of us, forgive this world for having not able to protect you. Forgive this world for having failed to offer you a safe haven. Forgive this world for having taken away your whole lifetime away from all of you----the Christmases, the candles to be blown, the friendships to be formed, the teenage dilemmas, the chance of falling in love and having your hearts be broken, the chasing of some elusive dreams, the tears to be shed and laughter to be roared, the weddings to be planned, the places to go to---please forgive us.

What I can only offer now is my prayer, coupled with the confidence that you are in your own safe little place in heaven----free from any fears, free from pain, free from cruelty, free from any bullets that can stop the flapping of your own little pair of wings.

We may have failed to protect you, but please know that despite its cruelty, this world loves you Connecticut angels and we will continue to pray for you. 

You will all be remembered for a long, long time. 

Praying for all of you,
Teacher Au

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