Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 2: Dear ______________

Dear                                                      ,

Not putting your name in here is much for your sake than mine. You see, looking at your present status, this letter shouldn’t be written at all because it might cause quite a stir in the peace that you are trying to maintain in your family life.  However, I feel that I should have written this letter a long time ago just for the sole purpose of letting it all out. So, let’s make a compromise. Let me continue writing this letter, minus your identity, in the hope that some people who would by chance read this, wouldn’t get a single clue of your identity. And if some of those people are dearly close to me, to us, and who know our story quite well, they  would perfectly understand why is there a need for me to write this, would just shrug this whole thing off knowing perfectly that all of these are bygones. And if you are the one reading this, I perfectly know that every piece will fall perfectly together after reading this and you would go about living your life with one baggage less.

I am writing first and foremost to say sorry. That’s a first from me, right? I am sorry because I was too vague at a time when you were quite sure of your feelings towards me. I’m sorry if I left you hanging and waiting, probably for several years. I am sorry for giving you hints and letting you deal with your emotions alone. I can only imagine the pain and the desperation that I let you through. I am sure that if you just had a chance, you would’ve rattled and shaken me at one point just for the pleasure of it. I am sorry because I was quite a slow learner in the romance department. I am sorry because the growth of your feelings towards me came at a time when I wasn’t able to fully master the balance between my heart and my mind----and at that time, my mind was clicking in full gear. But if I can just turn back time, I wish I could’ve made it easier for you, gave you a definite yes or no and not left you hanging. It was also a struggle for me, you see. If it would give you peace of mind, I want you to know that I appreciate all the attention and declarations of love that you did and there were even several times when I felt that I was ready to give it a try. But I don’t have any regrets whatsoever. I believe that wherever we are at the moment and whatever our situations might be, all of these are meant to happen. I hope that you feel the same way too. 

When I was in the process of establishing my self concept and concretizing my beliefs and views of life and love, I felt that I was to be blamed for some of the things that happened to you. Like when you fell in and out of love for several times, or when you weren’t able to march with us during our university graduation. At that time, I secretly nursed my guilt. Looking back, I couldn’t help but smile bemusedly  I gave too much credit for myself over your decisions in life at that time. In the process of growing up and healing myself, I realized that thinking that I was partly to be blamed for your choices, meant that your world revolved in me, which was not the case. I learned along the way that we are to be accountable of whatever happens to us and of our choices---may they be wrong or right. So, I have forgiven myself for a lot of wrong choices and decisions in life, and I hope you had somehow forgiven me for being such a pain at one point in your life. And I know you are too smart so as to forgive yourself as well.

I am happy to see you finally living the quiet dignity of being a husband and a father. You see, God eventually would lead us to that one person who would eventually erase all our past hurts and would make us believe in the capacity of love to transcend everything.  I think you are lucky you know, for having found such a devoted and lovely wife. That’s spoken in its real context. I don’t question the love which you felt for me back then because I believe that nothing can beat the purity and passion of any young love. But, we must eventually look for that kind of love  that can withstand any tests--- which that young love couldn’t have managed because it was too delicate and impressionable. So, even though ours was just an “almost” case, but let’s give each other the closure and peace which we both deserve. 

When we meet in the near future,  which is not an impossible scenario since we belong to the same circle of friends, I am at peace with the idea that we’ll smile at each other, only as a form of acknowledging each other’s presence, without any thoughts of the past or of the “what-could-have-been”. 

Your old friend,

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