Wednesday, December 26, 2012

SEOULFUL Trip, Day 3: 1st Destination, Trick Eye Museum

Ahne and I were quite proud to have been able to locate this museum with no map and with quite confusing instructions from the blogsites that we’ve opened and from strangers that we’ve asked on the streets.

A big bulk of our photos in the entire duration of the trip was from this place. But here’s a tip: Never enter the museum with an empty stomach or without gulping a bottleful of water or you’ll end up a dehydrated bag like I did. The photo taking in the whole place was too much fun but it was also energy draining (If you’re most likely the emotera poser. Ahem, ahem!).

We discovered something in this museum. Ahne and I had a considerably serious talk that if ever we decided that teaching isn’t really meant for us, then at least we have discovered that modeling can be our fallback. Cringe all you want but I’m the only one who has the editing rights to this blog! So that statement will definitely be posted! Ahahahaha!

So, before getting into this place, like I said, gulp a whole bottle of water and prepare a whole bag full of poses! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

SEOULful Trip, Day 2: Last Stop for the Day, Insadong

Still feeling giddy about our Han River Cruise experience, we hired a cab going to Insadong to cap off our night by buying some pasalubong and warming our (yet again) almost empty and cold stomachs.

Insadong is a large shopping and food area in Seoul. Unlike Myeongdong wherein most of the shops sell high-end products and labels, Insadong is the low-key version with its charming little stores offering trinkets and authentic Korean products. And since we were on a “trip-id, this was such a perfect place to buy stuffs to bring home.

If you still don’t know by now, here’s a little trivia: Ahne is the ultimate (unpaid) model/endorser of Starbucks. And since that is the case, we didn’t pass the chance to drop in on the one and only SB store in Seoul in which the characters of the store’s name has been translated to Hangul, the official language and form of writing of South Korea. While the temperature caused my teeth to chatter everytime I spoke and had caused all my neck muscles to overly work from uncontrollable shivering, it definitely didn’t stop Ahne from enjoying her frapped coffee. Told yah’, ultimate (unpaid) model/endorser! 

A travel isn’t complete without eating on the streets. There is something about eating on the streets that appeals too much to me. Blame it on my SILAK days when we had to go to places on a tight (Take that literally!) budget---- that we had to look for places to eat at an affordable price without forgoing quantity and quality. And what better place to look for these ultimate food bargains but on the streets! Eating on the streets can teach you a lot of things that fine dining couldn’t. It is a great place and opportunity to interact with the locals, hunt for authentic local foods (at a very affordable rate), mingle with some other travelers (Make friends, if youre lucky!), and just be still momentarily when the whole world is in full buzz all around you. Now who couldn’t be hooked?

Look at my dopey-faced look! That only means I was too happy to gobble up what was for dinner! We had a bowl each of yummy nori-seaweed noodles, some fried eggs, and spicy rice cakes. I can live eating these kinds of food every day, swear!

An ethyl -alcohol toast for the biology majors! Yes, soju smells like ethyl alcohol and probably tastes exactly the same had we been crazy enough to taste ethanol during one of our experiments. It was one thing to drink soju on the streets of Seoul that would make you nostalgic and giddy, but it would be another thing to let me drink it just for the sake of drinking. Now I can relate to the “aaaaaahhhh” sound everytime there are soju scenes in Korean dramas. Only that, mine is coupled with an unglamorous grimace. Definitely it was the first, and the last of my soju-tasting experience. Kombe!

Here are two bubbly and pretty Korean girls whom we made friends with while eating our dinner. When they overheard our conversation and realized that we are Filipinos, they did not hesitate to talk to us, telling us that some of their friends and family members have already went to the Philippines to study. The other girl, whom Ahne and I found to be so charming, kept on saying, “I love Philippines”. 

This man, was selling ice cream on an almost uncomfortable less than 10 degree chill. Just how cool is that, huh? 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 7: Dear Connecticut Angels

Dear Connecticut Angels,

I am sorry. I am terribly sorry for those last minutes of your lives spent with unimaginable terror and fear. I am so terribly sorry for no one was able to calm you or offer you a pair of warm arms when your own warmth slowly left your little bodies. I am so sorry that nobody was there to tell you that everything is gonna be okay, even though it won’t be.

My heart is bleeding for you for having spent your last moments here on earth witnessing man’s cruelty. I could only hope that it happened so fast that you didn’t feel the pain or didn’t have time to process everything that was happening as to have totally lost all your childhood innocence to the indescribable evil that has befallen that man.

Please forgive all of us, forgive this world for having not able to protect you. Forgive this world for having failed to offer you a safe haven. Forgive this world for having taken away your whole lifetime away from all of you----the Christmases, the candles to be blown, the friendships to be formed, the teenage dilemmas, the chance of falling in love and having your hearts be broken, the chasing of some elusive dreams, the tears to be shed and laughter to be roared, the weddings to be planned, the places to go to---please forgive us.

What I can only offer now is my prayer, coupled with the confidence that you are in your own safe little place in heaven----free from any fears, free from pain, free from cruelty, free from any bullets that can stop the flapping of your own little pair of wings.

We may have failed to protect you, but please know that despite its cruelty, this world loves you Connecticut angels and we will continue to pray for you. 

You will all be remembered for a long, long time. 

Praying for all of you,
Teacher Au

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 6: Dear Hon. Manny Pacquiao

Dear Hon.  Manny Pacquiao,

First and foremost, let me make it clear that I am not one of your avid fans. However, I believe that you have to be given the proper credit and respect that any athlete, one that represents the country at that, deserves.

Honestly, I wasn’t able to watch your fight today nor do I have any plans of watching it anytime soon. I just happened to know the news that you were knocked out by Marquez while scanning my fb wall.

 I may not be your fan but when I saw photos of you on the ring, right after you fell down, I was gripped by a momentary, deep sense of sadness and loss. A portion of it was for you, bloody and swollen----a clear picture of defeat. I also know how it feels to be defeated and to lose something so  personally vital, although our circumstance may be different. However, a big portion of that momentary sadness and loss goes out to those Filipino people who see you as a source of pride and hope. At a time when the confidence of the Filipino people was at its lowest and when hope was nothing more but an elusive truth, you represented the country and redeemed the lost confidence and hope of our kababayans . Although your past triumphs had no direct impact on our economy or on our politics, but the mere fact that you’ve awaken the Filipino spirit and pride, everytime you had a fight or with just  the mere mention of your name, was perhaps a small start in the change that we are aiming for.  

So Hon. Pacquiao, you may have been battered to defeat today, but I would like to give you the credit which you deserve. Only a few can manage to inspire a group of people at a time when the looming problem of poverty and bad governance shackle them---and you were able to do that. Again, I may not be your fan, but I would like to sincerely thank you. And with your defeat today, the whole Filipino nation, the nation which you proudly represented in all your fights, feel for you.

All good things must come to an end, an adage says. You come from a resilient race, and surely, you’ll find your footing and balance once again Mr. Pacquiao. Never mind, it’s just the end of a good career, not the end of everything.

A concerned Filipino citizen,
Miss Aura Carmela P. Ferrariz.

P.S. Don’t you think that the saying, “mothers know  best” is always true? Peace! :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day 5: Dear Mama Mary

Dear Mama Mary,

Today marks the day, thousands of years ago, when an angel appeared before you, proclaiming that God especially chose you to conceive His son, who later became our Saviour.

I can only imagine you being so young back then, younger than I am now. You were an expectant bride to Joseph, full of hopes and dreams for your future together. It might not have been written in the scriptures but you might had wedding jitters at that time----like all women who are about to be married go through. What went through your mind in the briefest seconds interval between the proclamation of the angel and when you gave your wholehearted yes? In that brief seconds, did your heart skip a beat? Did you even acknowledge a tinge of fear and hesitation? But those briefest-of-seconds-interval thoughts were all dimmed by your obedience to God’s will.

God did not make a wrong decision in choosing you among all women. You are definitely made of the sternest of stuffs to have been able to bear all the hardships that go with your acceptance of God’s will. 

Today, as we commemorate the Immaculate Conception, I try to put myself in your shoes. And judging from what I know about myself, I am not that resilient enough to go through what you had gone through. I may probably shake in fear and beg the angel to ask the Father to give me some more time to think.  I sometimes even  waver in my faith and there are moments when I question God’s plan. But like a lost child, I go back again and again to my Father who always welcomes me with my flaws and all. And that’s why you are so deserving to be the mother of God’s child and our mother as well-----your faith is so strong that it leaves no room for doubt.

Thank you for being our mother Mama Mary. You love each one of us equally, but I feel that my relationship with you is special and personal in itself. You have been an unfailing mediator of my prayers and a great comforter when God has different plans for me. And for the past two years, you have calmed my homesick heart and filled in my longing of home.

Please continue to guide me Mama Mary. Help me to grow in your love and in your unfailing mercy.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 4: Dear Grinch

Dear Grinch,

I’ve been working with Christmas decorations and have been sprucing up our tree for a good portion of the day. I even sang some Christmas carols and witnessed the lighting of our school’s  giant Christmas tree. But all of those were done with the most enthusiasm that I could only muster. I waited for the festive mood to wash over me, but to no avail.

Please, please, don’t take my Christmas away. Okay?


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 3: Dear My Writing Muse

Dear My Writing Muse,

I’ve been particularly  lazy to write today---I haven’t even finished my Morning Pages exercise.

Forgive me for most of the time, I take the credits away from you and hand it to some people who come into my life in a whirlwind----as fast as how they come is as how fast they leave. And then during those times, I sulk and break into non-writing tantrums,  claiming a block even though you are actually asking for us to meet at the page.

Now, I understand that you are not present in people, or places, or circumstances, or in certain events. You are in me.  I’ve denied that basic fact for a long time because I was scared of that big responsibility. So, I tried looking for someone and something to blame whenever I get the urge to escape from being accountable in heeding what you ask me to write.  I sometimes still do that though, block you and then blame a particular person or circumstance. It actually works. But I don’t want that drama anymore. I realized that if I keep on doing that, you will keep on growing and I would remain stranded. And if that’s the case, that wouldn’t be beneficial for the both of us, would it?

So, I’m taking full responsibility. Please understand me during the days when I would ignore you. I would also try to understand if there are times when you would take your well-deserved break. Let’s compromise, okay? That’s one of the ingredients of any great relationships, and I perfectly think  that we can work this one out.


P.S. Will you go with me on regular and exclusive dates?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 2: Dear ______________

Dear                                                      ,

Not putting your name in here is much for your sake than mine. You see, looking at your present status, this letter shouldn’t be written at all because it might cause quite a stir in the peace that you are trying to maintain in your family life.  However, I feel that I should have written this letter a long time ago just for the sole purpose of letting it all out. So, let’s make a compromise. Let me continue writing this letter, minus your identity, in the hope that some people who would by chance read this, wouldn’t get a single clue of your identity. And if some of those people are dearly close to me, to us, and who know our story quite well, they  would perfectly understand why is there a need for me to write this, would just shrug this whole thing off knowing perfectly that all of these are bygones. And if you are the one reading this, I perfectly know that every piece will fall perfectly together after reading this and you would go about living your life with one baggage less.

I am writing first and foremost to say sorry. That’s a first from me, right? I am sorry because I was too vague at a time when you were quite sure of your feelings towards me. I’m sorry if I left you hanging and waiting, probably for several years. I am sorry for giving you hints and letting you deal with your emotions alone. I can only imagine the pain and the desperation that I let you through. I am sure that if you just had a chance, you would’ve rattled and shaken me at one point just for the pleasure of it. I am sorry because I was quite a slow learner in the romance department. I am sorry because the growth of your feelings towards me came at a time when I wasn’t able to fully master the balance between my heart and my mind----and at that time, my mind was clicking in full gear. But if I can just turn back time, I wish I could’ve made it easier for you, gave you a definite yes or no and not left you hanging. It was also a struggle for me, you see. If it would give you peace of mind, I want you to know that I appreciate all the attention and declarations of love that you did and there were even several times when I felt that I was ready to give it a try. But I don’t have any regrets whatsoever. I believe that wherever we are at the moment and whatever our situations might be, all of these are meant to happen. I hope that you feel the same way too. 

When I was in the process of establishing my self concept and concretizing my beliefs and views of life and love, I felt that I was to be blamed for some of the things that happened to you. Like when you fell in and out of love for several times, or when you weren’t able to march with us during our university graduation. At that time, I secretly nursed my guilt. Looking back, I couldn’t help but smile bemusedly  I gave too much credit for myself over your decisions in life at that time. In the process of growing up and healing myself, I realized that thinking that I was partly to be blamed for your choices, meant that your world revolved in me, which was not the case. I learned along the way that we are to be accountable of whatever happens to us and of our choices---may they be wrong or right. So, I have forgiven myself for a lot of wrong choices and decisions in life, and I hope you had somehow forgiven me for being such a pain at one point in your life. And I know you are too smart so as to forgive yourself as well.

I am happy to see you finally living the quiet dignity of being a husband and a father. You see, God eventually would lead us to that one person who would eventually erase all our past hurts and would make us believe in the capacity of love to transcend everything.  I think you are lucky you know, for having found such a devoted and lovely wife. That’s spoken in its real context. I don’t question the love which you felt for me back then because I believe that nothing can beat the purity and passion of any young love. But, we must eventually look for that kind of love  that can withstand any tests--- which that young love couldn’t have managed because it was too delicate and impressionable. So, even though ours was just an “almost” case, but let’s give each other the closure and peace which we both deserve. 

When we meet in the near future,  which is not an impossible scenario since we belong to the same circle of friends, I am at peace with the idea that we’ll smile at each other, only as a form of acknowledging each other’s presence, without any thoughts of the past or of the “what-could-have-been”. 

Your old friend,

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 1: Dear Pablo

I’m starting a 22-day brigade of letters. That means this idea, if completely materialized, will be culminating on Christmas day. I love receiving letters, the real kind. So why not be the one to make them? Let’s take this activity one day at a time!

Dear Pablo (Or whatever your international name is.),

I’ve heard that you’ve finally taken your landfall in my city. Not dilly-dallying, are we?  But it seems that you’re fond of drama and theatrical build-up because the last time I checked, you’re still holding up the unleashing of your wrath. Are you having cold-feet or probably, you are just like the others who were so tactical that they waited for the rest of us to lower our guards before attacking?

In case you are still clueless, I just want you to know that we are not a group of people who are easily defeated. You have to put up all the strength that you have before you can crumble us into hopeless surrender. True, you may leave some of our people back home probably homeless, hungry, shivering, and scared tonight but you can never dampen the most essential part of these people’s being. Haven’t you heard that the Ilonggo spirit is waterproof? Frank may have shaken us about three years ago, but he wasn’t able to fully destroy our fortress of faith and resilience. So, what makes you think that we will bat an eyelash in the midst of your wrath?

Signal No. 3. Phew! Bragging, aren’t you? This will definitely  be a long night for the rest of Ilonggos back home, but with everyone taking a vigil armed with prayers and  faith, what are your chances of fully succeeding in your plans of destruction?

Anticipating your surrender,

P.S. You don’t fight fairly. It’s almost Christmas. But then again, when have you and the rest, ever fought on even grounds?

SEOULFUL Trip, Day 2: 5th Destination, Han(gang) River

I don’t have much to say about this place. It’s not because it didn’t appeal to me but because words would definitely fail me if I even start to attempt describing it.

I was smitten by this place in the various k-movies and dramas that I watched. Being on it, and just letting my senses get drowned with the sights, and the chill, and the distinct smell of the autumn air, I was head over heels in love.

Before I went to Korea, I equated the Han river with the idea of love itself. And breathing its crisp autumn air, I wasn’t wrong. An emotion of great love about everything in life---what has come and gone, and what is yet to come---surged in me upon stepping on its grounds. Oh di ba bigla akong naging philosophical? Sabi na nga ba may kakaiba talaga sa hangin ng Korea.  Ahahaha! But seriously, if it was just possible to hug a place, I would have hugged it to death.

Ahne and I chose the magic show cruise because it was the most convenient for us since we decided to eat our dinner in a different place. The ticket costs 13,000 won---that’s about 400 pesos----and it’s good for 40 minutes length of cruising the Han river.  

Of course we didn’t get to watch the magic show. We stayed on the upper deck for the whole time, and after our photo taking session, we just stayed silent for the whole duration of the trip, occasionally dropping in some comments about what interests us along the way. Now I understand why the idea of a cruise is so appealing to a lot of people---it puts you in one of those moods in which you get to slow down even the clicking of your brain and just feel, really feel. And during those rare moments, you would feel that anything is possible.

Cruise with me, baby. ;)

Look at my teleserye scenes in the Han river! Tadaaaaah!
uppermost left photo: My bicycle skill is so painfully rusty but  it would be nice to have a bicycle session along the river. Endless love soundtrack, pasok! Ahahaha.
uppermost right photo: Forgive me but this photo doesn’t qualify to the theme of this photo collage. I know, I know. Here’s my piece of advice: Don’t attempt to do this pose when there are a lot of onlookers, in the middle of a cruise and you couldn’t see a piece of land anywhere. This Is such a bad joke, such a bad joke. Tsk, tsk.
lower photo, left: What’s missing? Siyempre ang taga-tulak. For this photo, nagsariling sikap na muna ako. Ahahaha!
lower photo, right: Another “What’s missing?” question for this one. This time, you guess the answer.

Monday, December 3, 2012

SEOULFUL Trip, Day 2: 4th Destination, Myeongdong Shopping District

We were so famished from walking the entire stretch of the Gyeongbukgong and the Changdeokgung Palaces that Ahne and I didn’t have the willpower left to start looking for the restaurant where we were supposed to eat our lunch.

Come to think of it, even the locals whom we asked from didn’t have the slightest idea about its location (Or probably,  blame it to my poor-but-oh-so-trying-hard-Korean-accent). So what was the chances of finding the place, most especially to two hungry-ready-to-snarl ladies?

K-drama fans FYI: Myeongdong is the set for various Korean drama scenes including the famous kiss in the middle of the street in Princess Hours.

So, we had to resort to plan B. We limply slumped ourselves inside the taxi that we stopped and asked the driver to bring us to Myeongdong. I didn’t bother to look at the map anymore because I felt that one more look at it would lead me to vomit instantly right inside the taxi, swear! But despite my exhaustion and hunger, I kept on glancing at the taxi meter, roughly estimating the conversion of our fare every time it ticked 200 won higher. Even food deprivation couldn’t stop a budget officer from worrying about and sticking to the budget. Ahaha!

Myeongdong is a shopping district filled with stores and shops of high-end products.  It’s like a big mall on the streets. All the stores that are lining up in the area have their own distinct character----making the whole place look like Wonderland for big-time shoppers and even just to window-shoppers (like us). And since I mentioned that most of the stores sell high-end products, naturally, hanggang tingin lang kami ni Ahne! We even tried to look for the cheapest flats that we could find since Ahne was complaining about the pain on her heels due to the friction with her boots (From too much walking!).  But she ended up buying a pair of socks instead! If she bought a pair of flats, baka naglakad na lang kami papunta ng airport kinabukasan!

We looked for restaurants where we can eat our lunch but much to our dismay, all that we saw offers only hotpot. Now, that was a big problem---we were too hungry for hotpots and the two of us don’t have much skills and patience for it. After much deliberation from what was left from our food-deprived brain cells, we decided to just enter one of the Korean restaurants and leave the rest to luck and our charm! Naks!

After a looooooooong walk, I found my oasis! Ahahaha!

We begged, not asked, but begged the attendant if they can just cook the food for us. There goes the proof for our charm because she agreed. Ahahaha! Since we observed that the common feature of almost all restaurants that we passed by are octopuses, we decided to order some. Then, we happily sat on one of the low tables, typical of Korean restaurants and waited for our food.

We were so mentally prepared for this---the metal spoon, the flattened metal chopsticks, and kimchi, lots and lots of kimchi! Ahne even had her pre-Korean meal in Bangkok as part of her preparation!!!

When our food was served, imagine our amusement/horror when everything was served cooked except for the wriggling octopuses! We can even see the tentacles squeezing in and out as if still struggling for its dear life. Thinking that there was some mistake, we called the attention of the attendant, explaining to her that we wanted everything cooked, even the just-fresh-out-of-water octopuses. She said something in Korean, which of course we didn’t understand, even though part of my hearing problem is because of the full blast Korean audio every time I watch Korean dramas.  The owner of the shop probably witnessed the conversation so he went to us and explained in English that we must try eating the octopus alive because that’s part of the typical Korean cuisine.

If this was Hogwarts photo, you would see those chopped octopus actually wriggling while squeezing in and out the suckers in their tentacles. In the rightmost photo, that’s the octopus which was dipped in bulgogi soup.

Ahne, I, and the octopuses had a staring contest for several minutes. We couldn’t just leave the poor wriggling octopuses untouched because out of the foods that we ordered, it was the most expensive! Coupled with an imaginary “ting!” sound, Ahne and I exhibited our pinoy resourcefulness when we one by one soaked the sliced, wriggling octopuses in our hot bulgogi and beef soup. And voila! After several minutes, the wriggling octopuses became half-boiled octopuses----very much ready for lunch.