Monday, August 22, 2011

As of 10:30 Today, While I'm in the Midst of Fixing Papers to be Checked, I Realized That:

1. I'm a hoarder----from old documents, to empty pens, to old notebooks, to old visuals. And it sometimes pains me to get rid of them even though I perfectly know that they are of no use to me anymore. So I better  start reminding myself that IT'S BETTER TO GET RID OF THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BECAUSE TRAVELLING LIGHTLY IS BETTER THAN HAVING A BURDENSOME LOAD. Now, I'm talking figuratively.

2. I will never be systematic, no matter how I try so hard to be. So my working place will always be a poetry of "chaotic space".

3. There are some things that you have to give up trying. Like painfully pronouncing "villus" and "saliva" when you've repeated it for the n'th time and all you hear are the incomprehensible muttering of "Willus"and "SaliWa"....deep breath.

4. That I cannot escape from writing no matter how long my writer's block episodes may ask for extensions.

5. Coffee is always the best "upper" when you're about to drool from too much drowsiness early in the morning.

6. Climbing up into the 5th floor of the building makes me dread Tuesday mornings. That climbing up causes me asphyxiation and going down is better. Can it be interpreted figuratively?

7. ....and even though my paperworks are piling up in my desk and I have a dozen of papers to check and to record, and a couple of presentations to finish, I can always, always, find an excuse to jot out or scribble notes---some make sense, but mostly, does not.


  1. hahahaha...that's what you are mam au and you'll always be...hehehe

  2. Haha bessy.....correct gd...always absent-minded kag scatter-brained
