Sunday, August 28, 2011

Prelude to Dimentia and Alzheimer's at 23

...or just call it a pure manifestation of being a scatter-brained 23 year-old.

When I left our apartment unit this morning to transfer to a unit of a fellow Filipino teacher several rooms away, I was so confident that I left the latch unlocked since I brought the keys with me (talk about common sense).

After about five hours, at around 3:00 in the afternoon when the heat of the sun was clicking hot, I went back to our unit only to find my room mate sitting on the floor just outside our unit's door, trying all her might to stick closely to the wall since the sun's rays was already creeping at a fast rate towards where she was seated.

I looked quizzically at her, thinking instinctively, "What is she doing there with her books and laptop outside our unit, is she in her proper mind to work in there?" And to my great horror, I saw the latch locked, with no way to find an exit since there are also wires connecting the gate to our rooftop. Plus, the room of our apartment is already locked because she also thought that I kept the gate opened. So she was there for almost 5 hours, sitting under the heat of Thailand sun (which I tell you can cause anyone serious heat stroke), with no supply of water and definitely, no food with her.

So talk about MAJOR carelessness and being a scatterbrained and I would just pop out from nowhere as a living example.

Just to be sure, the next time any of you would entrust to me any latch and keys, think again. And think really hard.

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