Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Talk to Me About the Glint of the Moon in the Colored, Broken Glass----The "Don't Talk To Me" Status Series

 It all started with my post in facebook last August 18, 2011 which goes: "Don't talk to me about about how the moon shines so brightly. That is very clear to me. Talk to me about how the beams of moonlight glint in the broken, colored glass".

Then, nang Adel, always thinking of zany yet insightful ideas, suggested to add more posts which start with "Don't talk to me about...".

And though there are some modifications in the structure and concepts of the posts, yet it altogether creates an atmosphere of freedom as to be able to tell somebody, or the society, or perhaps one's self of what you really want to hear instead of bearing with the mutterings that the world offers you.

There are some posts here that direct the statements to more recent political and spiritual issues yet, most of the posts are about matters of the heart and personal issues. For isn't it most difficult to say that you want to hear this particular thing when it involves the tugging of the heart?

Perhaps, one of the most difficult thing to say is "Don't talk to me about that." Thus, at that moment, we gave the fear of saying it to rest and went on with saying, "Instead, talk to me about..."

So here goes the compilation:

  • "Don't talk to me about love. That is very vague  to me. Talk to me how the strands of my hair brush your shoulders."---Adel

  • "Don't talk to me about films or movies, or its plot and characters. They are obvious visual cues. Talk to me about why there's a cat crossing in the background, a fly on the rim of the cup, seven butts of cigaretted on the floor."---Adel

  • "I'll talk to you why he wanted her, left her and now pretends not to know her."---Adel

  • "Talk to me why she got scared when he looked into her eyes and held her hands and sang her songs..."---Maia

  • "Don't talk to me about forgetting you. I can. Never. But talk to me how I can forget these feeling for you."---Adel

  • "Don't talk to me about how you receive such little love. That's a distant song to me. Mine is unrequited."---mine

  • "Don't talk to me about budgets and funds. It's clear we can't have it. Talk to me how you spent it."---Adel

  • "Don't talk to me how I look great in your shirt and boxers. Talk to me rather of how I, no matter what size or shape, would never fit in your life."---Maia

  • "Talk to me about how every book I read relates to your own life stories."---Michael

  • "Don't talk to me how I took you out of this plane, out of this space and time. Talk to me rather of how I felt more like freshly washed pillowcases smelling of Tide and Downy, or like the constant humming of a TV that's always on, or like the comfortable fit of your torn, dog-nibbled rubber slippers."---Maia

  • "If you must, by all means, talk to me of funny things because humor is the only thing that saves us from our true selves."---Maia

  • "Don't talk to me about feelings. You have none."---Cleah

  • "Don't talk to me of alibis. I know and use a lot of them. Talk to me why you said you were sick when in fact I saw you with somebody else last night."---Cleah

  • "Don't talk to me about the roaring of the waves or the crashing of the stars that I make out of your emotions. Talk to me instead of that silent whisper that promises more of being constant, of lingering, of being here."---mine

  • "Don't talk to me of so many people you've lost, or of so many chances you've left not taken. Talk to me rather of how you could bear telling me that when all that I ever am and I will be is a chance you will  never ever take."---Maia

  • "Don't talk to me of how much you missed me or why you love me or why we--- I am here and you, there. Apart. I don't need your words. Talk to me instead with your eyes and your hands and your mouth. Talk to me with your soul."---Maia

  • "Don't talk to me about Christianity, and how you believe in it. I do not want to hear about it. Talk to me instead about how you live it."---Heaven

  • "Don't talk to me about how I could fall into the same emotions for you again. Talk instead of the fact that I could never fall into it because I never got out of it in the very first place."---mine

  • "Talk to me. Just do. Pretend you aren't imagining how I would feel in your arms and how creamy I'd look in the morning with sheet marks on my face and your scent in my mouth."---Skin Loriega


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