Friday, August 26, 2011

Loving Them With Their Wrongly Spelled Notes and All!

When I left ISA last March 2011, I also said goodbye to teaching kids, I mean really small kids probably, forever.

I can clearly imagine how I was three years ago when I was a wide-eyed, idealistic, fresh-out-of-university-life education graduate. I thought I was so prepared on shouldering the responsibilities since I slaved over studying the concepts and the theories and philosophies way back in college. But I was wrong, so wrong.
with Mikayla (the BIG TIME hugger) during the Buwan ng Wika

So imagine my horror when I was also assigned to teach Grades 1 and 2. Those little, cute, cute kids can suddenly turn into little monsters, all 25 of them or so in a classroom---complete with their tails and fangs and those tridents.

These tiny creatures can sometimes turn into little monsters inside the classroom---it's an enriching experience that all teachers must witness their transformation.

Loving them despite the heartbreak that they cause you is a great yardstick as a teacher.

So, I came up with an idea. I couldn't possibly turn them into little adults----that would be stealing their childhood from them. So, I made it the other way around. I, their teacher, became a kid again for them instead.

A solar eclipse was happening in the middle of my discussion so they had to go out to witness it for real using x-ray films as improvised viewer. It was a blast for them!

Making faces is allowed. Unleash the inner you!

They took all their games seriously during the sports fest yet it was filled with fun and  innocent competition.

Our science class is sometimes turned into playing time when games are infused with their lessons.

They can get smeared and dirty during activities. Here, we planned a fruit salad party in our lesson about mixtures!

I learned from them perhaps more than they learned from me.  So  in return, I love them all ----even with their wrongly spelled notes and all! =)

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