Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Summer has Officially Ended

 (This has been posted last May in FB but I just want to have a copy here. You see, this is about some of my most favorite people in the world. This is a bit mushy, so consider yourself to be forewarned.)

So long Summer!

          ...and though it is still so clicking hot that just by exposing the tip of a single strand of your hair to "Miss Sunny Sunshine", you'd surely be in grave danger of having a heat stroke any moment, I am officially ending my summer TODAY.

          Officially ending my summer is not without a great hesitation on my part. We all love summer---and I especially LOVE summer for numerous reasons that my "twisted" sense of self gratification requires. And though my reasons are as mushy and as shallow as anybody can perceive, I'm sticking to them anyway....=)

          I LOVE summer because I don't have to wake up 5:30 in the morning and go home to as late as 8:00 or at most 10:00 in the evening for school works. I LOVE summer because I am not forced to wash my own clothes or else worry that I don't have anything to wear. I LOVE summer because I can stay awake to as late as the wee hours of the morning---everyday. I LOVE summer because I don't have to bear with having a cup of coffee and a stale biscuit as my complete breakfast. I LOVE summer because I can stay at home with my pyjamas on for the whole day. I LOVE summer because my mood is perked up by the thought that my shoes is not going to be wet if I decide to go somewhere for the whole day (who loves having their shoes and feet soaked, anyway?). I LOVE summer because of the fiestas. I LOVE summer because it gives the young people a wonderful opportunity for the bittersweet summer love affairs. I LOVE summer because I have all the reasons to be lazy.

          These are just starters. But most especially, I LOVE summer because that means  I get to spend two days with some of my most favorite people in the world (no comments are allowed in this)---two days out of town in which I'm allowed to be as crazy as i can be and no one will say that I am crazy because we are all crazy anyway.

          And because of this yearly event that I don't even know who among us conjured the idea in the first place, I got the chance and the opportunity to know some of them better. And knowing them through this yearly summer get-away  means rediscovering them not under the microscopic but impressionable curiosity and state of mind of a high schooler---which I tell you, can really twist what's real. This is knowing them several years after high school and loving them anyway for all that they are and all they they've become.

          These are  what SUMMER has made of you in the way I deem of you:

          Leomel is the the short-cut for the warning "stay away from him if you don't want to laugh not only your heart but including your stomach out". We all love him any way for that though he believes otherwise. He doesn't mind looking funny or crazy and when you're inside a 2 -meter radius away from him, you wouldn't mind looking funny or crazy yourself. Life would be a little bit less perked-up when he's not around.

          When Macky's around, you don't have to worry because his presence would mean everything is in control. I don't know how he does it, but it's just like that. He wouldn't mind traveling for miles to get to spend just several hours for friends or self-proclaimed extended family.

          Do not be misled by Sim's silence. Beyond his impressive CV and credentials, he is a truly unassuming person. He is silent, no doubt. But in the middle of the silence could be some  shocking stories and ideas coming from him. And when he starts talking, it means talking for a long while.

          Joan is the one whom I am acquainted with for the longest of time. But despite those years of acquaintance, I only had the chance to get to know her better recently. She's firmly grounded and she can speak her mind without any qualms.

          Who makes plans and then leave us for hours waiting for her? But since, she's part of the group, she's always forgiven and we just have a good laugh about it. But just at moments that we least expect it, Sheyl willl pop out, with her "miss two goody shoes" self which we all love but we always make fun of, making any moments all the more better.

          Johnalee might be our "self-proclaimed" mother of the group but being with her can be an enriching experience. Her stories and experiences can be a source of many great laughs and learning moments.

          Jay, I just found out recently is truly a chatterbox. Why did you mislead all of us of your silence way back in high school? She has strong opinions about everything. She's fun when she's sober but she defines the term "fun" when she's tipsy.

          Lorenz is the ultimate hoodie wearer, if he knows what I mean. His ideas and opinions over different matters are something to look forward to. And oh, I failed to mention----he owns facebook. Take a look at his comments and you'll get the idea.

          Karl A., bless him for he can tolerate all the noise that we make considering that most of us are female. He laughs easily over our female twisted sense of humour but when it's drinking session time, no matter where you hide, he surely has a bottle with your name written all over it!

         Cherry is the ultimate "it' girl. She has a lot of stories to share and what tops all of it is that she has a big laugh to push all of us to laugh some more again. Drinking 'till the wee hours of the morning is not a problem---what with the stories and the laughter and the dances that she would surely insert in between.

          Beauty---whoever gave her that name----I'm sure is basking over the idea  everytime we  call her that. Who doesn't want to be "re-christened" with that name anyway? Her shrieking voice even though during normal conversations are already to be expected, but since eveyone's doing the same anyway, nobody is really complaining. We just love to share stories, and with her giggling around, we surely wouldn't be lacking of those.

         Javie, with no one to disagree is the ultimate life of the get togethers. She dances and sings like a pro 'til the wee hours of the morning. With her singing and dancing, you might wonder how she got drunk so fast when she doesn't seem to drink at all.

          It's funny to think that I just learned to appreciate the pleasure of sitting in the city plaza (which I firmly avoided before) and sharing stories over 10-peso worth of fishballs and a bottle of coke just now, now that I'm already twenty-three. Bessy, influenced me and most of us of  the pleasures of having simple joys in life. And the additional bulge on my already overweight eyebags are all because of the movies and dvd's that she generously shares to me.

          Chal and I share our ultimate love with books. She is an unassuming person, but again, do not be misled. Half of the funny anecdotes and experiences that I know are courtesy of her. Aside from the love of books, I don't know if she'll agree with me as an Aquarian (a  sign that we again share) that we can be absent-minded and scatterbrained most of the time. When she is hooked about a certain issue or fad....she is certainly hooked.

         Most of what I know about Fatty however, is through the years of sharing a room way back in college. Again, do not be misled by her strong character for beneath is a person who, if she finally believes that you can be trusted, then she'll trust you all the way.
          With all these written, I'm officially ending my summer.

          So long summer!