Sunday, October 9, 2011

The "50-things about me" list

Okay so this is egoistic, again. But I have nothing to do, as in nothing to do-- that I think I'm going out of my mind just by thinking about the long stretch of days that I won't be doing anything.

So, as an instant sanity button response, here's the list:

1. I hate matchsticks, though I have developed a certain tolerance of them. Actually, I was scared of them when I was a bit younger but through the years, I have learned to conquer that fear just a bit. But there are still times that by just seeing them or the possibility of touching them makes me cringe or develop a desire to vomit.

2. I'm super-duper quiet in the company of strangers to the point of being labeled as aloof and snobbish. But my best of friends know that I am insane and crazy.

3. I smile or laugh alone. Yes I do.

4. I always catch myself thinking aloud, yes, sometimes alone.

5. I have the habit of finishing the thought of the person that I'm talking to.

6. I hate wearing anything that is orange. It makes me cranky and irritable.

7. When I am too mad. I don't defend myself or talk back. I just keep quiet. Silence is my best defense. And believe me, I don't even want to see myself at this state.

8. I cried when several of my books in my collection were infested with termites.

9. And yes, I cried because of love (unrequited, that is) too.

10. I couldn't sleep for days, even for more than a week after watching any horror films.

11. I cry easily at every mushy, sappy, feel-good, chick-flicks and novels.

12. I love green.

13. I once dreamed of becoming a theater actress and making it as my lifetime profession.

14.In high school, when I didn't get the part of Juliet, I secretly memorized all her lines for the hope of being called to act at the very last moment. lol! Ferlie knows about this!

15. When I'm sad, I usually wear my favorite pyjamas.

16. I couldn't stay inside a mall for several hours.

17. I look like I'm frail, but I'm actually game at any situations. I'm a "cowboy".

18. I laugh easily.

19. I still love to receive letters. The real kind, in long hand.

20. I have a journal and a box filled with stuffs from the past.

21. I hate the smell and the taste of liquor. Even red wine. Except tanduay ice---this is the only drink that I can tolerate.

22. I like chinky eyes.

23. I don't drink (if I can avoid it) any kinds of fruit juices.

24. Over chocolate and green mango, I'd choose the latter.

25. I'm an OC when it comes to closed shoes. I wear those shoes in which the space between my fourth and last toe can be seen. Wearing the other kinds would make me cranky the whole day.

26. I like the shy, strong type.

27. When I was a kid, I firmly believed that when I dig a hole and put a shell in it and then pour some water, the following day, it will turn into an ocean. I tried it many times and even if it didn't happen, I did not lost faith in that belief, I just grew out of it.

28. I have difficulty remembering names and there are moments when I would momentarily forget names of people whom I am acquainted with for years.

29. I actually don't know how to study, much more that I am not good in memorizing. This surprises me sometimes. Perhaps, I'm just good in guessing during examinations or I'm just damn lucky.

30. I haven't copied or cheated in any exams or quizzes during college. When the topic is about remembering this act during student days, I just act as if I know the strategies. In fact, I don't.

31. It already happened to me that a seemingly impossible incident which was a recurring thought for years really happened in real life, exactly up to the littlest details.

32. My first conscious memory was riding in a tricycle during the funeral of my lola.

33. When I'm scared, I poject the "I-don't-give-a-damn-care" aura.

34. Right before any public speaking activity, I cough involuntarily.

35.  I don't like dogs and I believe that they don't like me either.

35. I'm scared of carrying babies who are less than a year old.

36. I like smiling at kids or waving at them---even those kids whom I don't know.

37. I sleep comfortably during a bus ride.

38. I always take the seat near the window.

39. When there's a mosquito net placed over the bed, I don't like to sleep on the side nearest the wall. There's no logical reason. I don't even know why I don't like it.

40. I'm a sucker for photos.

41. I cringe at the thought of ointments, liniments, or any oil being rubbed on my skin.

42. Over label or style, I'd choose the latter.

43. Here are a sure tearjeckers: movies about soldiers in war and championship game of any sports event in a movie.

44. I unconsciously do the peace sign during photo opportunities.

45. I have the irritating habit of silently correcting people when they speak or editing whenever I read something, even myself. You can't blame me for this.

46. I want to write a short story in Hiligaynon in which the story would revolve around the drama of the Flores de MAyo in our barangay.

47. There are moments when I feel that my attributes and overall personality is not fit for a teacher.

48. There are moments when I pretend that I don't know or am not good at something just to get by. Very bad habit, tsk tsk.

49. I'm good at bluffing. Ask my students.

50. The idea of writing sometimes makes me sick but I don't know why I couldn't get away from it----I just go back again, and again.

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