Monday, October 3, 2011

It's funny how technology can project how the future baby of a couple would possibly look like and how somebody would look like, say, twenty years from now.

Despite the fact that it is definitely not reliable, it is still fun though a little bit scary to imagine how would you look like in a distant future.

A lot of songs and poems and literary pieces including works of arts are celebrating and hailing youthfulness and seldom can we encounter those that deal with old age, with the twilight of one's life, with senility, and with the point of "getting there".

I don't know what it is about age (and ageing, so to speak) that makes us cringe inwardly and sending a shiver in our spine. Perhaps one of the reason is that it makes us face the mere fact of our mortality---that we cannot live forever despite the fact that we live as if we have all the time in the world.

So, when I encountered this application that could project your image 20 years from now, including the wrinkles, the extra bags of muscles around the jaw area, the creases in strategic points in the face, I am human  and I'll honestly say that I also experienced cringing at the thought. But I said to myself, "What the heck? What happened to your sense of fun?".

Just to make a point, I'm not scared of getting old. I don't want the idea of living forever. That would be too monotonous and exhausting, right? This makes me pity Edward and all his vampire friends. What I'm scared of are the extra baggages that come along with old age.

Enough about it. So, meet "me" twenty years later, now.

Again, I don't dread getting old. I'm even thinking that it's fun because every single day that adds to my age gives me the opportunity to come closer to the woman that I ought to be. Yes, there will be those crow's feet, and wrinkles, and creases, and the double chins, and the extra muscles around the face, and not to mention the white hairs-----but I would like to think that if I live each day with the right motivations and purpose and with the right kind of people that can help me grow, then, it would not be frightening after all.

And I'm making a pact to myself. I will not just grow old. I'll grow old, gracefully. =)

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