Saturday, October 1, 2011

This is One of Those Days

Days like this should be celebrated,

....days when a stranger smiles  kindly at you

....days when you receive "thank you's" even for just about the simplest things

....days when you receive flowers though it's not Valentine's day

....days when you get to have a gift even though it's not Christmas nor your birthday

....days when you get letters, the real kind, from a long lost friend or from a long forgotten comrade

....and this is an affirmation that those days can definitely come!

Hi Ms. Aura,

 I read your AURAcles and I am really moved by your blogs! Sayang, you had to leave ISA, Jay really misses you and reading your blogs now made me understand (even if it's only a glimpse) why he always chose you as his favorite teacher. 

I simply loved this part---I don't have to starve for hours just to finish a decoration which will be needed in a few minute's time under the glaring heat of the sun coupled with a drizzle but it also means that I have to occasionally eat my meals alone and in silence.---which really made me shed a tear.

I also appreciate your other blog about being a kid yourself in order to teach the little ones by playing while learning with them. Keep it up, even if you're not with ISA, I am happy for you, and blessed are the kids in Thailand as you continue to touch their lives through your teaching.

God bless!

*Note:This is from a mother of a learner that I had from ISA. I was surprised to open my inbox and find this message coming from her. What deeply moved me was the idea that she took an effort to let me know her appreciation despite her busy schedule as a lawyer. And she remembered. Yes, the simple idea of remembering is a moving thought for me.

To Atty. E.L.T., thank you. In times when I can feel that my profession demands so much from me, I will surely remember this letter.

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