Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's 51 things by the way. Mine is just 34, though.

I found this article in yahoo. The first time I saw this, I ignored it thinking that it's again one of those self-help articles about  gaining a strong college foundation for better opportunities once you are about to set foot into the real world.  But I was surprised to find out that it includes some tips about how to make the most of one's college life without the "study hard 'till you drop" and "choose the course which is definitely in demand" parts.

This article is actually fun, bringing back old memories when I was in college myself. So, for the sake of traipsing down the memory road again, I've highlighted some points which were definitely helpful way back. Okay, waaaaaaaaaaaaay back then.

50 things all college students must know

Studying hard for college certainly is important, but there is more to college than just grades. That is why this list was created, as a guide to college life. Have fun reading and feel free to add to the list!

1. A lot of things will be changing and different, your friends and yourself. Let them.
Okay. So I wasn't exactly the Miss Congeniality in college especially during my freshman year when I couldn't accept it that high school was actually over. But several events and experiences taught me to loosen up and to accept the fact that everything's changing. Lesson learned: There are moments when it's better to let the dam break and to let the current come in gushing than to forcefully hold it up.

2. Chances are you will be bunking at the dorms. Remember to call your love ones back home a few times a week, even if just for a few minutes.
It was the other way around though. My mother was the one who daily checked on me during the first few weeks that was later reduced to every other day then to once a week. Oh, I'm not any different from the others. I can be the dutiful college student who calls home when : 1. I'm sick and 2. I need financial back-up (I need additional allowance!).

3. There’s something amazing about songs, for they bring back memories of your favorite moments. One way or another you will be listening to music on the radio or at parties, so why not make albums of these songs. Years down the road, they serve as records of your best time in life.

4. Rest when you need to, for it recharges your mind and body for your next journey.
And I was the queen of sleep. Still is. No further arguments.

5. Wondering when you are most productive? Are you diurnal or nocturnal? If you are nocturnal and function best at night, embrace and enjoy that. It may be the only time in your life when you can.
Definitely nocturnal. That was why it led me to write an article in college which says that probably, I was a bat or a witch in my past life. This was helpful most especially when we had to stay in the printing press with no sleep (not to mention the other "no's") 'till the following day when we had to rush a newsletter or magazine or folio. It was an experience taking so much responsibility over the college pub and acting like pro's considering that we were amateurs.

6. Some like to stay ahead of time while others work best under pressure. If you are the latter, chances are you will procrastinate till the last minute. Experiment with them, and see which works best for you.
Who says I'm procastinating? Well, ocassionally, that is. What happened to: "To each, his own"? My ultimate motivator is : the deadlines, of course.

7. As much as it is important to be a responsible adult, at least a few times during college, do something fun and irresponsible.
I've had my share of "kabulastugan" in college but others might rate it as "boring". I don't care. Basta, I've had my share of those and to those who think that I'm miss-too-goody-shoes, sorry to dissappoint you seeing me arguing on that point, but you're  right. What we had was clean, good, fun. Just like one of my friends said, what's wrong with being good all your life? Is it too over-rated? Sham the idea that it's boring. And by the way, if it's possible to die being a saint, why the heck not?

8. Make friends with your favorite professors. There is so much more to learn from each other than books. Who knows, you may meet Professor Dumbledore.
Well, I actually met Professor Dumbledore but he transfigured in the form of a woman.

9. Spend some time alone every single day. Sleeping doesn't count.
You should also be your own best company. Being alone doesn't mean being lonely. Sometimes, it can even be more fun than being amidst a throng of people. I spent mine walking around the campus alone, eating what I'm craving for in that particular moment in the benches in front of Quezon Hall, and strolling in the busy streets downtown.

10. Go out and have fun, go on dates. Don't feel like every date has to turn into a relationship.
Group dates with friends is included in my list. No further arguments, okay?

11. Don't date your roommate’s ex, it’ll be awkward.

12. When your friends' family visits, join them if possible. You will get to know your friends better and you'll get free food, etc.

13. Remember to send a hand-written letter to someone who made college possible for you and describe your adventures thus far. It will mean a lot to him/her now, and it will mean a lot to you in ten years when he/she shows it to you.

14. Embrace the differences between you and your classmates. Always ask yourself, "what can I learn from this person?" There are things more important than just books and grades.
One of the opportunities to learn in college is embracing each one's individuality. It's one form of finally, growing up.

15. All-nighters are entirely overrated. Start early and rest plenty.

16. Those in college while maintaining a long-distance relationship with someone from high school: you two have to decide how things will work out. Understand that you two will be in different environments, but do not let your relationship interfere with your college experience. If you don't want to date anyone else, that's totally fine! What's not fine, however, is missing out on a lot of defining experiences because you're on the phone with your boyfriend/girlfriend for three hours every day.

17. Working out differences is best done in person, not over Facebook, email, IM or anything else. Body language tells you more than just words.

18. Take risks.
This one requires a long list. 

19. Don't be afraid of (or excited by) the co-ed bathrooms. You have the same stuff, period.

20. Come Wednesday night, your week is more than half over. Thursday and Friday will only get better.

21. Accept failures and pick yourself up. It's how we grow. What matters is not that you failed, but that you refuse to stay down.

22. Take classes that have nothing to do with your major(s), purely for the fun of it. And you'll get to make more friends.
If there is one word that I can refer to my college life, it wouldn't be about a thing that is related to my course or my major. It would be an entirely  different thing. SILAK.

23. Think about the future, but enjoy the present. College is more than just a stepping stone.

24. When you're living on a college campus with hundreds of things going on every second of every day, watching TV is pretty much a waste of your time and money.
I've stopped being a tv addict in college. It wasn't a conscious effort at first, by the way. It was the result of having no choice because our land lady didn't provide us with one. So, thank you Tita Vilma.

25. Don't be afraid of Cupid’s arrow and never take it for granted. Celebrate it, but don't let it define your college experience.
I don't want to expound on this. As what have been said, it did not define my college experience.

26. Much of the time you once had for pleasure is now gone. Keep a list of these things, so that you can start working on them when you graduate.

27. Setbacks may seem like the end of the world, but take a deep breath, and reflect on what you have learned. 

28. Every once in awhile, there will come an especially powerful moment when you can actually feel that an experience has changed who you are. Embrace these, even if they are painful.

29. Stay open-minded, regardless of your political or religious beliefs. You can't learn if you're closed off.

30. If you need a job, find something that you enjoy. Just because it is work doesn't mean it has to suck.

31. Take breaks from leading; it's good to follow sometimes.
As what nang Maia said, "Never spread yourself too thin."

32. Use your camera and make records of life in college. They become priceless in time to come.
I have tons of this!

33. Stay healthy and safe. You can’t do anything otherwise.

34. Drop your ego and ask for help. It won’t kill you.

35. Just because you are in the bottom half of class now, doesn’t mean you suck. Things can only improve when at your worst. Don’t let your grades affect you, get used to it.

36. In ten years time, very few of you will look as good as you do right now. Revel in how hot you are before it's too late.

37. In the long run, which college you attended doesn't matter as much as what you do with the opportunities you're given there. The college name on your resume doesn’t mean anything if that's the only thing on your resume. In college, you will have access to a variety of opportunities, grab them.

38. On the flip side, don't try to do everything at once.

39. Stay objective. If your emotions are getting in the way, ask for help.

40. With the high national obesity figures, it is important to eat right. But treat yourself sometimes, emotional health is just as important as physical health.

41. It’s ok to be a complete ass at least once. Cake in the face sounds good.
Oh, I'm a master of this. I may appear serious and efficient to others but those who know me best clearly knows what I'm capable of  when the "crazy" bug attacks.

42. Wash your sheets at least once a month. You do not want to be buffet for bed bugs.
Since I'm the ultimate hater of washing, my mother has to go to our boarding house once every 2 weeks to collect my bed sheets and provide me with clean ones.

43. If you are in a relationship, bring your significant other to meet your friends. They may pick up things you don’t.

44. Experiment with food. Those strange looking dishes you friend is making may be taste pretty good. Expand your horizons.
Again for this, thank you SILAK.

45. Explore the campus, and find your own hideout like the ‘Room of Requirement’.
I'm one of those lucky students who found my own Room of Requirement. Thank you SILAK! Your blue walls, the old pc, the humming air condition that always needs to be repaired, the messy tables, the lined up wooden chairs at the back of that same messy table which serves as my bed during free times----who can blame those "GODS" when they said to us, "Do not make SILAK as the extension of your home." LOL! But it was our home. I would like to think that it still is.

46. If you are no longer excited about your field of study, switch even if it complicates things. Life is too short for regrets.

47. Tattoos are permanent and costly. Be very certain.

48. Don't make fun of pre-frosh. You were there just a minute ago.

49. Enjoy every second of your college years. These seconds will fly by.
The first part of my college life was spent agonizing over the fact that I couldn't be a high school student again. Then one day, I realized: "What the heck?". And once you learn to enjoy and make the most of your college life, you will one day wake up and realize that you will be donning your black toga. Time flies, true!

50. A time where learning is your key responsibility. Try to remember how lucky you are every day.

Enough talking, now go live the best years of your lives. Be yourself. Grab every moment, for there’s no DeLorean DMC-12 to turn back time.

Learn. Grow. Love. This summarizes it all! :)

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