Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mae Fah Luang Garden (Oh, the flowers are real by the way...)

Here's my little secret. I'm not a green thumb, that's given. But I couldn't recall a single plant which grew or bloomed upon having contact with my hands. Okay, probably I'm not the nourisher type but I just love plants and flowers minus the time being spent taking care and nourishing them. 

 One of the best destination perhaps in northern Thailand is the Mae Fah Luang Garden, located in the highest point in Chiang Rai province. This garden was established in 1992 on the initiative of Thailand's princess mother who wished to give the Thai people to enjoy a temperate flower garden. since the climate of the place can be able to support these kinds of flowers.

This garden served as the winter residence of the princess mother until her death in 1995. 

The moment we went down the van, I was still holding my head to keep it from falling due to the too zigzaggy road going up the garden, I was instantly hit with the cold whip of the hair that instantly caused a little tingling on my unaccustomed nose (prelude to nosebleed, good thing it didn't come to that point). 

From the van, we had to walk to the ticket booth. For natives, the entrance fee is 90 baht while it's 120 for foreigners. Our Thai friends told us not to talk while we were standing near the booth so as to get the same price as that of the natives (no raising of eyebrows for this, please :D).

Waiting for the tickets...... :)

The main road inside the garden is lined with boxed flowers which are in full bloom.

The double story chalet at the back served as the residence of the princess mother every time she stayed for her winter vacation.

We took a break from the uphill and downhill walks....

This sculpture entitled, "Continuity" is found on the center of the main garden. It's a human pyramid having the topmost figure reaching for the sky. This particular sculpture represents the idea that continuity ensures success of any endeavor.

Oh, and since I couldn't speak more about the "awesomeness" (I couldn't think of a more appropriate word, forgive me.) of the place, here are the pictures to do the talking, instead.

During this day, I felt like Alice, happily lost in Wonderland. =)


  1. mam au nice pics...hope makaad2 mn ko jan soon...

  2. Thanks Bes...'di bale, dapat dara daya sa destination points sa asian tour ta....hahaha
