Friday, October 14, 2011

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

'teka lang, break muna sa kapa-panood. 
Hindi pa 'ata makaya ng puso ko.....(lol!)

This made me ponder on the thought: "When it comes to love, will you choose history over newness, familiarity over uncertainty, heady-rush over dependability, strong raging passions over quiet constancy, deep rooted hurting love over bouyant love?"

Had I been asked years before---when I thought that pain and suffering and whatever other heavy emotions, were part of being different and sort of badges of uniqueness---I would have surely chosen all the first choices. It's funny when I think about it now. 

At the moment, I choose:

  •  newness (History is sure to be beautiful but sometimes people are being misled by the too many memories and emotions that it brings----that what they thought binds them actually shackles them.)
  • uncertainty (Sometimes, I attest that too much familiarity can bring contempt.)
  • dependability and quiet constancy (Sure, who would say no to romance and all its drama  and rose-colored palette? But as you mature, there will come a certain point when you realize that having somebody dependable and constant in your life is more worth having than somebody who gives you all those heady rush but can't promise of staying by your side. Somehow, having somebody to have long talks over a cup of coffee, quiet walks, somebody who can lend a hand in washing the dishes, somebody to share the ordinary routines of daily life and make it a whole lot easier to deal with, appeals to me than somebody who makes my heart thump to the point of being sick and somebody who makes me blush so hard that I get to look like a bloating watermelon flesh, and then just leave. Just like that, leave.)
  • bouyant love (Suffering love and its kinds are way too over rated! Wouldn't it be good to have that kind of love that gives you the opportunity to be able to lift your spirit without much effort, to look at the world and life and people freshly---and love all of them in that kind of light aura?).

P.S.: Bob Ong's qoute is very appropriate for this, "Kung nagmamahal ka ng sobra at nagdudulot ito ng mga mumunting kirot at sakit, baka panahon na upang ito'y pakawalan na. Huwag mo nang hintayin na puro sakit na lang ang idudulot nito sa 'yo." With this, I rest my case. 

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