Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wat Rong Khun---It Was My Early "White Christmas" Gift :)

I kept on looking outside the moving van, anxious. Will we ever stop by that place? It's already getting dark and it's about to rain. Feeling my bubble was starting to deflate, I pushed myself to go back to my awkward sleeping position and really tried to sleep so that I won't feel the dissapointment that was starting to simmer. And then, all of a sudden, the van stopped. Yes, it stopped.

And I felt my happy bubble starting to inflate again, so big that I stopped myself to do my "floating, flying, with dancing" stunt whenever I'm too happy. And the moment I went down the van, I was affirmed that I definitely had the reason and the right to be depressed and even sulk for days had we not stopped by the White Temple. It was almost too beautiful, and it was like being handed an early white Christmas present.

The Wat Rong Khun, commonly known as Chiang Rai's white temple, is situated in the province of Chian Rai and is very accessible since it is just beside its main highway. It was designed by one of Thailand's national artists, Chalermchai Khositpipat.

What makes this temple different from all the other temples that are scattered all over Thailand is that it is purely white, which according to the artist who designed it, symbolizes Buddha's purity. This temple gleams under any light and is breathtaking under the glaring heat of the sun because it is covered with mosaics of reflective glass which are embedded all through out the temple.

These sunken hands surround the main walkway going to the entrance of the temple. Seeing these hands is like hearing silent screams of people who are in deep pain and suffering.

This golden temple-like structure at my back surprised me the most. This entire structure is a toilet. Yes, you've read it right. This is a toilet.


  1. first picture reminds me of narnia. so beautiful and heavenly.

  2. Oh, you're right m' Hess! I never thought of that....
