Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cast your Wish

If you were to see one shooting star today, what will you wish for?

Shooting Star At Dusk

"I miss you 'lil bro. I miss the fact that you can easily ride on with my crazy ideas, your matter-of-factly way of telling me in your "I'm-grown-up manner": "Daw bata kaw gamay!", the way you effortlessly laugh at my corniest jokes and the way you would suppress that laugh sometimes to tell me "That's the most senseless and corniest joke that I've ever heard. Is that the best you've got big sister?", the way you cringe when I give you a bear hug, and the way you easily agree to be my model when the frustrated photographer hits me.

But most of all, I miss the way you would confide to me and tell me stories about school and nothing in particular with such great faith that you would often forget that you're just 13 and I'm a decade older than you are.

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