Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm Putting this Emotion and the Words that Go With it to Rest...

Just because I'm in love with you doesn't mean I'll be pining over you.

Starting today, I've decided over the fact that I'm not settling for second best, or being an option, or being a fallback, or being a damsel-in-distress patiently waiting for my prince to come.

Unrequited love is appealing only in movies and romance novels. In real life, it gets dull and boring after quite some time. Take it from someone who knows, I'm telling you.

It gets tiring to moon over songs about unreturned emotions; I think I've outgrown being mushy over sappy movies; stalking you in fb and assuming that all your posts have somehow connections to me, I realized is too "high schoolish" and it becomes a bit creepier when I think about it (haha), writing about how I patiently and silently wait is too much a waste of time and effort of typing on the keyboard when I could write about some more important stuffs which really matter.

So I'm banging my head now with the fact that I know but ignore: that men are territorial----that you look over what you think is yours and try to make an effort to win over what you want to be part of your life. And looking back, I was never looked over or won over by you. What you did was insinuate about possibilities and then left me  mid-air when I finally took the courage to leap off the cliff. So I'll borrow the line from a movie to describe perfectly what I know now: "You're not just that into me." There. I've finally accepted it.

So this will be the last time that I'll be writing about this particular matter. I'm putting this emotion to rest, along with the words that go with it.

Like a bad habit that is hard to shake off, I'll be nursing my bruised pride and emotions over my realizations, but not for too long.

Because you know, one of the best things about me is that I know that I have to and will eventually, definitely move on.

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